
No, it is just not good for our brains. I am trying to get my family to stop watching TV but it is crazy hard to do with a TV in the home. The reason why I want to get rid of the TV is because it is mind numbing. Our brains work constantly even in sleep, going over the things seen, learned, and done in that day. There are may more things that should occupy our minds other than really good TV programs. For children the things they learn are dulled by placing the things seen on tv in their minds as they go about their day or even when they sleep. How many times I have gotten addicted to a TV show or a game and had dreams about that. I LOVE to watch tv but also realize that it isn't so good for me, I should be reading a good book and teaching myself something. I have a new goal which is to learn something new every month, something small, but helpful to me in the long run.

Thank you for the informative (and polite) reply!

My daughters spend most of their time outside playing with the animals, in the garden or in the dirt. If they are in the house we are usually working on projects or crafting. We do own a TV; but it's more for watching movies when the weather isn't cooperating!
It's storming here!!!! Doing the happy rain dance, got soaked because our silkie choose to nest in a tree planter and none of the cover we have tried has worked. What's up with that?
I'm not sure why, but the quote isn't working!

Italia, what does watching TV have to do with Monsanto and GMO food?
T.V. well this is a very big question. Let us start by the fact that it in studies it shows to put you in an alpha brain wave state. Sex and violence are now seen as forms of fun, a way to seek pleasure at the expence of others. Again follow the money. All the top 6 of media is owned by the same people. In one word to answer your q. is propaganda.................. all for profit
Speaking of hens laying I was wondering if either of the hens are laying for you yet. Only one of ours that hatched at the same time have started the rest are late comers. The one that we got from littlewing when you were there with DH started laying. This must be just a slow year for layers, everyone is having poor laying, and early molting. DH says that must mean were going to get and early winter, I sure hope so a good hard one too. We need a few good freezes to kill off some of these pesky bugs, havent had a really good freeze in a few years, it's time...lol.

I really wonder if there is something to this. I have a mixed group of BOs, BRs, and BSLs that will be 25 weeks old this weekend. Out of the group of 7 only 1 lonely BSL is laying. At 25 weeks! 3 of them haven't even reddened in the face yet. (Otherwise I would think they were just hiding the eggs.) Otherwise very healthy, just crazy slow to start laying... These are supposed to be production layers!
T.V. well this is a very big question. Let us start by the fact that it in studies it shows to put you in an alpha brain wave state. Sex and violence are now seen as forms of fun, a way to seek pleasure at the expence of others. Again follow the money. All the top 6 of media is owned by the same people. In one word to answer your q. is propaganda.................. all for profit

That makes sense. Since we don't watch very much TV I wasn't sure where the Monsanto connection fit in. Thank you for understanding that it was an honest question and giving me a straight up honest answer!
I no longer buy cold cereals for my children because most of them are made with GMO. I now buy old fashion rolled oats nuts and fruit..... it is so easy 1cup cold pressed oil (grape seed or olive) 1cup honey, 12 cups rolled oats, 2 cups flour, cinnamon, vanilla to your liking, 1 cup nuts, fruit if you choose. then bake at 250 for 8 min or so. I change it up all the time, once I added coco powder and a little more sweetener. My girls LOVE it and eat it up super fast. If you go to the big box stores shop the out sides and not the middle to avoid GMO and other crap. Even small changes are good for you. I no longer buy salted butter as it greatly increases the shelf life, unsalted will always be more fresh. (ha ha I almost said be fresher)
Me and my hubby start off every morn with eggs and pasture raised bacon. We are on a Paleo/ketogenic diet. I was like most people raised to believe that fat makes you fat and grains are good for you. Well, after you have to bury people you love from cancer and are bed ridden yourself for months at a time , you start to question things. Sugar feeds cancer. Feeding your body a diet of fat instead of sugar makes a hug difference at a cellular level. Got to heal your gut first though.
That makes sense. Since we don't watch very much TV I wasn't sure where the Monsanto connection fit in. Thank you for understanding that it was an honest question and giving me a straight up honest answer!
No prob Jessica,
please excuse me though, I can get a little worked up and not explain any jumps of logic very well. The only reason I bring any of this up is that it does effect our chickens and all beings that want to be healthy and think for them selves. Money= stupid is as stupid does
Me and my hubby start off every morn with eggs and pasture raised bacon. We are on a Paleo/ketogenic diet. I was like most people raised to believe that fat makes you fat and grains are good for you. Well, after you have to bury people you love from cancer and are bed ridden yourself for months at a time , you start to question things. Sugar feeds cancer. Feeding your body a diet of fat instead of sugar makes a hug difference at a cellular level. Got to heal your gut first though.

I make one egg for my girls ans most of the time they don't finish it, it drives me crazy wasting an egg that our hens worked so hard to make. So homemade granola hits the spot for them I go with that as they eat it and ask for more. I can't wait till I can raise all my own animals and only eat what I raise, but that is still some time away. I would like to find a local person that raises their own animals and is willing to sell me a half of a cow or a pig.
I make one egg for my girls ans most of the time they don't finish it, it drives me crazy wasting an egg that our hens worked so hard to make. So homemade granola hits the spot for them I go with that as they eat it and ask for more. I can't wait till I can raise all my own animals and only eat what I raise, but that is still some time away. I would like to find a local person that raises their own animals and is willing to sell me a half of a cow or a pig.
I do not know where in Texas you are but check out farmers markets. They have more than you would think. Also online a good connection is Ted Slankers in Texas. All grass fed!!!!!!!! Always. I order my pork bones for weekly broth as a must in this house.
No prob Jessica,
please excuse me though, I can get a little worked up and not explain any jumps of logic very well. The only reason I bring any of this up is that it does effect our chickens and all beings that want to be healthy and think for them selves. Money= stupid is as stupid does

Italia, there's no need to apologize. I can tell you are very passionate about it! The thing that confused me was that I hadn't really read anything connecting Monsanto to television watching; so I had to ask! I know all about TV rotting our brains and dumbing down America. But the only connection I knew about was advertising dollars! Advertising is everywhere though, from billboards to magazine to the Internet; so I wasn't sure why TV was being singled out until you explained about the top 6 media!
Since we don't watch TV very often I thought something had happened that we didn't notice.

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