
I do not know where in Texas you are but check out farmers markets. They have more than you would think. Also online a good connection is Ted Slankers in Texas. All grass fed!!!!!!!! Always. I order my pork bones for weekly broth as a must in this house.

My husband goes deer hunting and my FIL raises grass fed beef. The only pork we eat is wild boar. We have been very lucky with meat. Vegetables are harder to come by. Our garden is doing a little better now (I suffer from brown thumb). I am hoping the fall veggies do better than the spring ones did!
My husband goes deer hunting and my FIL raises grass fed beef. The only pork we eat is wild boar. We have been very lucky with meat. Vegetables are harder to come by. Our garden is doing a little better now (I suffer from brown thumb). I am hoping the fall veggies do better than the spring ones did!
Eating grass fed produce gives you almost all the goods our body needs. Basics I still take are magnesium malate at bed time, MSM(sulfer), B comlex, Potasium Iodine, and selenium. I have found I can not function without brain fog without them. As far as garden produce go, think of our produce more for your livestock than you. I know this sounds a bit backwards but fiber is not all it is cracked up to be.
I no longer buy cold cereals for my children because most of them are made with GMO. I now buy old fashion rolled oats nuts and fruit..... it is so easy 1cup cold pressed oil (grape seed or olive) 1cup honey, 12 cups rolled oats, 2 cups flour, cinnamon, vanilla to your liking, 1 cup nuts, fruit if you choose. then bake at 250 for 8 min or so. I change it up all the time, once I added coco powder and a little more sweetener. My girls LOVE it and eat it up super fast. If you go to the big box stores shop the out sides and not the middle to avoid GMO and other crap. Even small changes are good for you. I no longer buy salted butter as it greatly increases the shelf life, unsalted will always be more fresh. (ha ha I almost said be fresher)
Raine, are packages marked 'GMO'? I like what you are doing for your children.
T.V. well this is a very big question. Let us start by the fact that it in studies it shows to put you in an alpha brain wave state. Sex and violence are now seen as forms of fun, a way to seek pleasure at the expence of others. Again follow the money. All the top 6 of media is owned by the same people. In one word to answer your q. is propaganda.................. all for profit
You go get'em girl!!! I totally agree with you. Ken and I don't watch TV unless there is an old old movie on. Nothing but filth and lies on nowadays!
Lol! I have to stop telling people about them. They keep running out! One of my faves tooo!
Can I have Ted's address? Newsletter sounds interesting!

Okay, enough is enough! My DH and I went to Rosenberg for dinner. Pouring down rain! We get home and we got nothing, as in zero, nada, zip, NOTHING!!!

Lisa :)
Raine, are packages marked 'GMO'? I like what you are doing for your children.
You go get'em girl!!! I totally agree with you. Ken and I don't watch TV unless there is an old old movie on. Nothing but filth and lies on nowadays!
Can I have Ted's address? Newsletter sounds interesting!

Okay, enough is enough! My DH and I went to Rosenberg for dinner. Pouring down rain! We get home and we is showm to be normal for children these daysgot nothing, as in zero, nada, zip, NOTHING!!!

Lisa :)
I know Lisa, we only watch childrens movies these days. I threw out my T.V. actually I have never owned one and that freaks people out. I have netflicks. I have had people offer to buy one for me. I no longer hear the drone of sales so when I do such as public places playing,I just am sick. It is crazy what is shown to children these days. Sexual predators are running the "show" it seems. The world would be a better place without the useless sales of making people less than human. I wish more people could see this.
You folks make me hungry. To get some of the good food that I had a kid would be a blessing. We raised, butchered and processed our own hogs and cows. We smoked the sides, heads, jowls, shoulders. Made souse, cleaned and cooked the chitterlings. Rendered our own lard. We never used anything but our own lard to cook. Want a good fried chicken. Go out and catch it, dress it and fry it in lard on a gas stove in a cast iron chicken fryer. Can't beat it. The liver you buy in the store has no flavor like one that has been fresh butchered. We salt cured our meats in Virginia. It had the rind on it and you just sliced it off with a knife and cut it from the rind. The hocks you buy in the store now are sprayed brown fakes. Cannot season a decent pot of collards with them. Those of you that live this lifestyle are to be commended. It is not always easy, but you are sure eating good.
You folks make me hungry. To get some of the good food that I had a kid would be a blessing. We raised, butchered and processed our own hogs and cows. We smoked the sides, heads, jowls, shoulders. Made souse, cleaned and cooked the chitterlings. Rendered our own lard. We never used anything but our own lard to cook. Want a good fried chicken. Go out and catch it, dress it and fry it in lard on a gas stove in a cast iron chicken fryer. Can't beat it. The liver you buy in the store has no flavor like one that has been fresh butchered. We salt cured our meats in Virginia. It had the rind on it and you just sliced it off with a knife and cut it from the rind. The hocks you buy in the store now are sprayed brown fakes. Cannot season a decent pot of collards with them. Those of you that live this lifestyle are to be commended. It is not always easy, but you are sure eating good.
It is not only good eating, it has been vital for your family getting the nutrients you need! A blessing indeed. My parents were horrid, Butt, we were fed well and always from whole produce and never from boxes or cans. Makes me hungry toooo
Well, had my first predator attack. Had chickens for a year and a half. No trouble. All of them have been in chain link pens. I had 5 cockerels that I was waiting for a fellow to pick up. I closed in the half of my garden area that I did not use this year and surrounded it with cattle panels. I put tin on 3 sides, but had not done the fourth side. I had taken another panel and offset it so the holes were about 2 x 2. They were sleeping in my old pygmy goat shed with an open front. About 3:15 my wife woke me up and said something was in one of the pens. I go out and 4 of them were o.k. and one gone. Feathers all over the pen. One seemed to be kinda in shock, but got over it. One missing with feathers outside of the overlaid panels. Don't know how it got the chicken between the 2 x 2 hole, but did. I walked and looked and found nothing. When I went out my Australian shepherd comes from behind the house. I fuss at him for being worthless. Later I find the dead chicken in the back yard. I guess he ran down and scared off the predator and brought dinner back to the house. The neck was damaged, so my thinking was a coon. Now have to close in the front today, set a live trap and close up my other houses at night. I am just going to use the panel areas for day pens and lock up the birds at night. Pistol and light by the back door now. Wouldn't you know it got the one that I was having second thoughts culling because of his development.
I'm sorry. That really sucks. We finally got all of the coons off our property. I know there are more but they aren't bold enough to come up where the chickens are yet.
Good Morning StelleKitten! It is good to hear from you. You are missed on this forum! You and your husband will be in our prayers. Please watch out for the crazy drivers. What is your handle?

So sorry for your loss. I hope you catch and kill the varmint!

Lisa :)
I've been working on coming up with a handle. I think I will just stick to Stelle Kitten. It's been a nickname I've worn since I was little.

And thank you cockledood! I saw your comment but somehow it didn't multiquote you in.

It seems that once we left, everything fell apart. My brother was stuck without groceries for a week and a half out on the property. He lived off the few zuchinni (dang, I can't remember how to spell that right now) and my chickens. I'm not sure which ones are left but I am glad they were there. They kept him healthy and well fed. I miss my birds so much and I am not even at the part of this whole thing that is going to be the hardest. I will have to spend four to six weeks without my husband while I go through the final training. I'm so scared to be locked in the cab with a complete stranger that may or may not be a good match for me personality wise...

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