
If anyone near me needs them, I have 2 really nice blue ameraucauna roos. If no one wants them we will eat them!! I am about and hour from San Angelo and 2 hrs from Midland.

If you ever make it up to Abilene I'd take them! I got some Privett hatchery Ameraucana chicks this year but would like different Ameraucana genetics to breed them with.

Erik (near Abilene, TX)
If you ever make it up to Abilene I'd take them! I got some Privett hatchery Ameraucana chicks this year but would like different Ameraucana genetics to breed them with.

Erik (near Abilene, TX)
We might figure something out. I have a marans rooster for Zootopia and she is in Abilene. These are not hatchery birds. Quite nice.
This happened in 1997(?) with my first flock of birds. I knew I had the right to protect them even then and yes, it was an uneducated deputy. The best part was when the pit bull, still in my chicken run, came running toward us (I think wanting a reward for killing those dangerous chickens...) and the deputy went for her gun...hmmm, a little double-standard there! The dog ended up with an ugly end when it went after my neighbors dog.

tcmstalcup - I wished you lived closer so you could teach me the art of processing a chicken! I know there are videos, but nothing is better than hands on.

erikk - just don't shoot a hawk. Or if you do, shoot/shovel/shut-up.
We might figure something out. I have a marans rooster for Zootopia and she is in Abilene. These are not hatchery birds. Quite nice.
I don't know how artistic I am.LOL. I'd be glad to show you if we were closer. I grew up with not nice about how grandma's chickens were killed. When my neighbor showed me her way, it gave me the confidence and mind set to do it myself. Since I hatch my own and shipped eggs, obviously extra roos are going to happen. I don't want to be wasteful and I like the idea that at least some of our meals natural and healthy.
I have SBEL hatching!!! There were 2 out and wet when I woke up tonight and 2 more starting to zip when I left for work.

What a great way to wake up! Congratulations!!

Lisa :)
I can't wait to get my oldest home today!!! She is going to be so exited to see all of the changes with the chickens, not to mention we will have a kindleing sometime next week...

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