
jajeanpierre - A perfectly beautiful egg! My chickens are all MM except four black copper marans and one welsummer roo (I have 32 all together).

txnative - What purdy birds! You should be getting eggs soon, especially from that RIR (that's what it looks like).

Hey Houston area folks, know anyone at the North American Shar-Pei Rescue??? I put in an app for a puppy but haven't heard anything. It's only been 24 hours but I'm anxious! :)

We had a shar pei for 15 years and love them. When we trained her not to chase the chickens she immediately complied but she would walk up to the roosters, open her mouth and let the feathers pass through her teeth! It was the funniest thing!! We had a Polish roo at the time, and in our (old) house we had a sliding glass door. The roo would prance back and forth in front of the glass door and just tease the peewallagers out of her! ...anyway, she was a good dog and after three years we are ready for a puppy.

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My very first egg!!!! Ever!!!! I have no idea which chicken gave it to me. It is quite small, only 28 grams, which is an ounce. I think it is from a Polish. One Polish developed a red comb (if you can call it a comb!) and red waddles. She has been fussing and making funny noises for a few days. She is the only Polish with developed comb or waddles. These Polish are pretty small birds--I don't know how big Polish are supposed to be. I have a bunch of Silkies and one bantam mystery chick from McMurray's Hatchery which I think is a bantam Plymouth Rock. What color eggs do they have? I think she is getting ready to start laying, too. She's started making the same funny sounds. What color eggs do Silkies have and at what age do they start laying. This pen is 5 months old. I now consider myself a full-fledged member of the backyard chicken club!
:highfive: Congrats!
txnative - What purdy birds! You should be getting eggs soon, especially from that RIR (that's what it looks like).

Hey Houston area folks, know anyone at the North American Shar-Pei Rescue??? I put in an app for a puppy but haven't heard anything. It's only been 24 hours but I'm anxious! :)
TammyTX, Thanks and thank you for going the rescue route! I am the president of a Heart of Texas Lab Rescue in the Austin area, and I can tell you it will take a few days up to a week before you get contacted, if they are anything like us. You can, however, call them just to make sure they got your application:) Good luck!
My two newest babes! The dark one is super beefy. It is also one of the fluffiest chicks I have ever hatched! It is larger than the white one so it will be interesting to see if it turns out to be a roo.

TammyTX, Thanks and thank you for going the rescue route! I am the president of a Heart of Texas Lab Rescue in the Austin area, and I can tell you it will take a few days up to a week before you get contacted, if they are anything like us. You can, however, call them just to make sure they got your application:) Good luck!

Our Lab is a rescue! We picked him up from a foster family in Killeen a few years ago. He was out of a litter of puppies that were all rescues (along with the mommy and daddy dog). He is so sweet!
My two newest babes! The dark one is super beefy. It is also one of the fluffiest chicks I have ever hatched! It is larger than the white one so it will be interesting to see if it turns out to be a roo.
They are so cute!!! How long will it be before you know what gender they are? Will the dark one turn out to be black?

I've never had Silkies, but my husband (the weight lifting, truck driving He-Man) mentioned he wanted a Silkie! :D He'll just have to be content with his non-egg laying, non-broody Cochin that he hand feeds.
Y'all make me want to hatch my own. Hopefully, next weekend we'll get the chicks hoop house built and we can use it as a broody coop next Spring. IF, I can get my hub's to build that new coop for me....he kinda waffles.

Update: I got a call back from the Shar Pei rescue. Really nice person I spoke to. The "puppy" turns out to be 4 years old! I guess I'm not good at guessing dog ages! :D I'm a little timid about adopting an adult dog. A couple of years ago I helped rescue a severely abused dog, video here if interested in his story. After the rescue, I decided to adopt Hank, brought him home and as soon as he saw my cat he went after it. Sorry, can't have that. I had him back at the shelter in two hours. It made me feel like a loser, it was very emotional and I don't want to go through that again.

Have y'all ever adopted an adult dog and had good luck around the chickens?
Hello everyone !

Have been lurking awhile and finally took the time to join.
This is my first try at chickens, so far I have learned an enormous amount of info.
I see a few of my neighbors here too.

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