
When it is firm and yellow sounds good to me too. I haven't tried growing spaghetti squash yet. We struggle with zucchini & yellow crookneck squash, but often get root borers or stem borers, or something that stunts their growth.
....like THIS???

No. Ours we can't see. They're inside the root and/or stem, and the result is a stunted plant. This year we actually succeeded with some yellow squash for about 3-weeks before they got eaten from within. Organic gardening can be a challenge.
I only do organic, too. This year I didn't even have to use any DE.

One thing I did do...and learned my lesson from...is using too much chicken poo in my sweet potato bed. Lovely vines. No potatoes.
That's a stink bug. Bad news. I used Neem Oil on my garden this year. It will kill anything that eats the plant, like grasshoppers. It doesn't kill on contact so it is safe around bees. Next year the chickens can get my grasshoppers. :)
I went shopping at a local antique store this afternoon. I went to pick up a $1 book to use for a craft project. $52 later I walked out the door. :/

Look at a couple of my finds!

I found this book that had been in a school library. It was published in 1955 in Austin TX. It is about chick that eats too much and gets too fat, but some how ends up being the best looking rooster. I haven't read the whole thing..... I thought it was cute.

Then I found this spice rack. :) It kind of sorta goes with a spoon rest that I have that is a chicken. It was my mom's and she gave it to me a few years ago. It had a matching spice rack that I wish we still had. I saw one in an antique store a number of years ago. I could kick myself for not buying it. Which is why I bought this one today. It was too cure to not pick up.

I also picked up a copy of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories published in 1960 for my oldest son. He loves old books so I think he will really like this. It will be a little extra gift in is Christmas stocking.
That's a stink bug. Bad news. I used Neem Oil on my garden this year. It will kill anything that eats the plant, like grasshoppers. It doesn't kill on contact so it is safe around bees. Next year the chickens can get my grasshoppers. :)

I've been planning out the planters I've decided to put up around our garden for this reason. My idea was that mint and other strongly-scented herbs would deter rodents and pests (like bugs who don't seem to like mint plants). Then I watched a documentary about people using lemon and lime juice as a natural insect repellent. I think what I'm going to do is make a strong mint and lemon tea (just boil it all up until it is super strong) and spray it all over my garden once I start it up.

Has anyone else used lemon juice or mint? It sounds like a good combination that will deter all sorts of animals, so I'm pretty interested. It would also mean that I don't have to go out and find anything other than organic lemons. Assuming I have my mint growing by then, I can just use what I have available.

So many ideas!
I've been planning out the planters I've decided to put up around our garden for this reason. My idea was that mint and other strongly-scented herbs would deter rodents and pests (like bugs who don't seem to like mint plants). Then I watched a documentary about people using lemon and lime juice as a natural insect repellent. I think what I'm going to do is make a strong mint and lemon tea (just boil it all up until it is super strong) and spray it all over my garden once I start it up.

Has anyone else used lemon juice or mint? It sounds like a good combination that will deter all sorts of animals, so I'm pretty interested. It would also mean that I don't have to go out and find anything other than organic lemons. Assuming I have my mint growing by then, I can just use what I have available.

So many ideas!
Laura - The lemon may burn your plants because of the acid. Some people even use a pickling vinegar to kill unwanted weeds.

EDIT: Look here: http://wellnessmama.com/2565/homemade-natural-bug-spray-recipes-that-work/ I think this may be for skin sprays.

Here is one for gardens: http://www.comfycountrycreations.com/bugspray.htm
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