
Back again folks!!my coop is coming along and I hope to post pics soon! I'm so happy to be finally over my sinus infection. In the mean time however id like to ask the locals here in San Antonio that know of any Silky chicken breeders?
Just finished vaccinating the flock for fowl pox. It's always sad to hear the little squeaks from unsuspecting chicks and hens, but luckily we got it done pretty fast. The turkeys got treated for their sores (they are really bad right now, and I'm not sure what else to do). I might try and help alleviate the sores. Jenny seems to have dry pox, but Tom has sores that look a bit swollen. If the sores look like they are pus-filled, should I try and...um...pop them? I just sprayed on some iodine, which I hope helps, but I'm willing to do whatever I can. They don't seem to be bothered, but the sores are getting really close to Tom's eyes. How would I deal with that?

Other than that, we went to a couple feed stores today. After getting the vaccine, we picked up a bale of hay and 100 lbs of feed. One of the feed stores was having customer appreciation month, so I picked up a $20 bag of layer pellets for $14.50! Mom started looking at chicks, but I know what happens when I have to care for chicks. Though, they had barred rock chicks for $1.80....nope, nope, I don't need anymore, haha!

Now, I'm exhausted. I need to finish some work and then I need to sleep. I almost forgot that having a job meant you had to work, hehe!
I'm so sorry to hear about your pox situation....I worry about any of the things our chicklets can get!
I haven't read anything about opening the pox....the iodine seems it would be good cause it would help dry them....from what I've read others have gone through you need to keep and eye out for trouble swallowing they can get in their mouths.
are you doing something to help keep the mosquitos away??
hope for a speedy recovery

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