
LOTS of talk today!!!

Thank you for making fun of my cow. I get to pass your pokes on down to my husband which is a LOT of fun for me.

I have plans for this cow, babies, milking, petting. My husband has plans too....plans to turn it into BBQ if it sits on my little Mazda3 (NOT a COWasaki, Hung!! :). I'll probably end up calling the Sheriff's Office Estray guys to come out and pick her up.

Did everyone who is getting a hard freeze get their garden's picked? I picked about 30 POUNDS of green/red/purple bell peppers and Serrano peppers! That was just off of four plants, too. Thank God they freeze so well.

Ms. JellyBean - Thank you for that recipe! It looks really good. I like to cook, just hate to clean.

Cheddar Pie Crust (great for pot pies or apple pies)

2 1/2 cups unbleached flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup chilled Crisco
6 tbsp. chilled unsalted butter
6 oz extra sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
1/3 cup (may be more) ice water

Mix as you would any other pie crust recipe.

COW UPDATE: I went out to lure the cow back out to the pasture with some feed...she decides to stick her head through our board horse fence....my husband comes out to yell...cow breaks fence board....husband yells louder.
I know there are some horsey people here and I wanted to share my photo of our 36 year old horse, Black. We were told he was a cutting horse and he was very light in the rein. He used to be coal black, now his face is more gray than black. He is a good boy and we don't mind him being a retired hay burner. :)

The worst part about the tome change is that I let the girls out rt before I leave for work and they have put themselves back in their coop before I get home. I never see them!!
I know there are some horsey people here and I wanted to share my photo of our 36 year old horse, Black. We were told he was a cutting horse and he was very light in the rein. He used to be coal black, now his face is more gray than black. He is a good boy and we don't mind him being a retired hay burner. :)

I know there are some horsey people here and I wanted to share my photo of our 36 year old horse, Black. We were told he was a cutting horse and he was very light in the rein. He used to be coal black, now his face is more gray than black. He is a good boy and we don't mind him being a retired hay burner. :) Beautiful! I almost cried, looks like my mare abby, she had to be euthanized in. July due to cancer.
I know there are some horsey people here and I wanted to share my photo of our 36 year old horse, Black. We were told he was a cutting horse and he was very light in the rein. He used to be coal black, now his face is more gray than black. He is a good boy and we don't mind him being a retired hay burner. :)
Awe!! I love old men. I've got a 30-35 yr old rescue. He's a quarter pony. <3 Ugh...stoopid mobile isn't uploading pictures.

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