
Note to self ! Never wear flip flop and throw mac and cheese in chicken coop with a tablespoon cause when it flings back on ur toe there is no time to react before mommas little darlings are all over ur toes :)
If you decided to get them from her, that's not too terribly far from me, I don't think.
I could deliver, since she won't ship.

I never could get the link to open even when MIssjellyben sent me the link. Could you get it to open??

Mine started obviously crowing one morning around 9 weeks.
I hadn't heard him do anything close before that. It was really random. Lol, but he was obviously a roo by 4 weeks too.

Ain't that the truth!

Our accountant at work already got me...she put a sticky note under my mouse...took me 5 minutes to figure out why my mouse wouldn't work...lol
Northeast Texas here. Jefferson to be exact. closest "big city" us Shreveport LA. I'm am currently attempting to breed frizzles and sizzles
WHat a combo!!

Helpers are Great!
if you think about it it is not much different than having a cat with a litter box that is a no no as well.

By the sounds of it you just might get used to that thing they call relaxing.

but it is because after all these years he knows that means if he is home sick I have a project I need help with.

Anyone here located at tyler tx? Looking for some rir and EEs
I am in Quitman, Tx!

If you decided to get them from her, that's not too terribly far from me, I don't think.
I could deliver, since she won't ship.

Mine started obviously crowing one morning around 9 weeks.
I hadn't heard him do anything close before that. It was really random. Lol, but he was obviously a roo by 4 weeks too.

Ain't that the truth!

Our accountant at work already got me...she put a sticky note under my mouse...took me 5 minutes to figure out why my mouse wouldn't work...lol
Well I am keeping my ears open! I can't wait to him what he will sound like!

I know people who have chickens and they get a neighbour, friend or coworker to care for them when they are gone.

That's funny!

Where are the pictures?

I got a ride in - OUTSIDE!!!!! The 18mph winds about did me in. I've gotten too soft riding in the trainer. :/ A few more rides like today though and I will be right back where I was before this horrible winter hit. So glad it is Spring. Just need to get past these winds.... Looks like rain for the rest of the week - depending on what forecast you look at. It's going to be one of those stick your head out the window and see what is going on weeks. ;)

The new chicks are taking to their new home they ate and drank some water now they are resting. I guess they made the trip here without any problems!! Now to build them their on coop and run outside. And yes they are inside the house for a few days. The wife is already starting to name them. What to do what to do with her.
WooHoo!! Way to go. Names are VERY important! LOL

Note to self ! Never wear flip flop and throw mac and cheese in chicken coop with a tablespoon cause when it flings back on ur toe there is no time to react before mommas little darlings are all over ur toes :)
Making a mental note!!
Ok DH is feeling so bad but he insisted that we get something done on the coop. He divided it into 3 projectes, 1. framing out the inside, 2. making the built-ins like nesting, brooder and roosting, and 3. Pen! So we went to Lowes and got supplies for number 1.

But once we got home he felt so bad and was running 100.6 fever. I tried to get him to just rest today but he wasn't going to do it.

Hey is there any one in Dallas area that has Frizzles? I have a friend that wants them.
The girls were curiously watching me do some trimming in the yard today. They kept talking to me. They don't like me to change things in their backyard.
I don't know if it is all the yard work or wedding planning and preparations, but I can't keep up with the posts.
Looking for ideas. What do you do when you leave town? Do you have a neighbor care for your chickens, do you hire somebody, do you avoid leaving so that you can care for your chickens?

Now that I've decided to have our urban farm I am wondering what to do for extended stays away from home (i.e. family vacations out of town). Could I please learn from your experience?
if i am to be gone for more than 2 days i will have someone look in on mine. less than that i have automatic watering system and just put extra feed in the feeders and go. gather the eggs when i get home. not the only way just how i do it..:)
Anyone here located at tyler tx? Looking for some rir and EEs
i have some rir's and ee's both chicks and 1 yr old laying hens. how many are you looking for? i have a friend who drives through tyler every friday so she could meet you with them.

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