
Okay so today was like Christmas. I got my ADOR1 auto-chicken door from the Fed-Ex guy! I need to go buy a lantern battery tomorrow so I can play with it.

Also, scored over 200 pallets. Only 56 would fit on my trailer. Can you say more chicken coops, goat loafing shed, compost bin, critter fencing, etc.! Now I just need to find someone getting rid of their old fence pickets.
Okay so today was like Christmas. I got my ADOR1 auto-chicken door from the Fed-Ex guy! I need to go buy a lantern battery tomorrow so I can play with it. Also, scored over 200 pallets. Only 56 would fit on my trailer. Can you say more chicken coops, goat loafing shed, compost bin, critter fencing, etc.! Now I just need to find someone getting rid of their old fence pickets.
Congrats! How did you get the pallets? I'd like a few, and don't know where to look.
Congrats! How did you get the pallets? I'd like a few, and don't know where to look.
I saw a huge stack behind the local adult beverage distributing company (Miller Lite) and walked in and asked the receptionist. She said that I could all I could haul. She also said that anytime I see pallets stacked out back to just come take them. It costs them money to have them removed.
Bad phone call from the doctor just now.

My blood work that was pulled yesterday morning came back with no signs of the hCG hormone having changed. Going in for an ultrasound, they think I lost the baby. Wish I'd have said yes, sure, go ahead yesterday when he asked if I wanted an ultrasound. I was in a hurry to get DF to work and it's early yet.

This is a link to what he thinks was happening, and tomorrow it will be confirmed on way or another.

I swear. Just when things start going right it all comes toppling out of control again... On a good note the electrician fixed my ground wires and I can run my A/C again. AND wash clothes. Now to obsessively wash clothes while trying to pass time and not think about the news from the doc...

I'm so sorry you got that call. I hope it's not what they fear and you get good news tomorrow.
I saw a huge stack behind the local adult beverage distributing company (Miller Lite) and walked in and asked the receptionist. She said that I could all I could haul. She also said that anytime I see pallets stacked out back to just come take them. It costs them money to have them removed.

I'm going to ask around about pallets. See if I can get some. Thanks for the tip!
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Starfire669 - I have had geese, and I now have about 20 ducks. Because ducks don't roost and don't scratch, they just walk all over the poop on their bedding and mash it down. The best thing I have found is to put down a thin layer of Sweet PDZ on top of the bedding after I clean out their house every day. It helps the poop clump up and not stink.  I go in every day and use a kid's garden rake to pick up the poopy bits and throw them out onto the pile. I rake through the bedding to fluff it up, add a thin layer of shavings on top, then put the Sweet PDZ on last. It really helps make the bedding last longer and keeps the smell down. I get the Sweet PDZ at Tractor Supply. I love that stuff!! And, it is biodegradable and compostable, so it's a win-win for me, the ducks, and the compost pile!

I had two Giant Dewlap Toulouse ganders, and I loved those guys. I had to sell them when I moved but I am already thinking about getting more geese. It is already breeding season for geese, and has been since about February. If nobody is getting it on they are either too young or you have all the same sex!

Thanks for the tip about Sweet PDZ, I Brought a bag last night and put some down today. I can already tell a difference.
Got some growing babies, new babies, and quail babies. One is being stubborn. LOL. He is doing fine though.

Okay so today was like Christmas. I got my ADOR1 auto-chicken door from the Fed-Ex guy! I need to go buy a lantern battery tomorrow so I can play with it. Also, scored over 200 pallets. Only 56 would fit on my trailer. Can you say more chicken coops, goat loafing shed, compost bin, critter fencing, etc.! Now I just need to find someone getting rid of their old fence pickets.
Unmmmm come build me a coop please!!!! <3 pallet coops! Now I know where to get some!
Ok I need to know just how to give sandy a warm water soak I aint sure what the steps are or how to do it. Is there a certain way to do this she is egg bound for sure
This is what my Fresh Eggs Daily says...
Soak her in a shallow tub (like a cat litter tray) of warm water with some epsom salt for about 20 minutes. Gentle towel dry and blow dry on low heat.
Then rub some vegetable oil around the vent and gentle massage her lower abdomen. Put her in a quiet dark location in a large box or crate. Place a towel on the bottom that's been warmed in the dryer. Give her 1cc of liquid calcium (probably get that at health food store) and spritz the cage with essential lavender oil. Lavender is very relaxing. Give her time alone. Repeat the soaking about every hour until she lays the egg. If she still seems stressed try putting her back in familiar surroundings. As a last resort a trip to the vet may be necessary. it says that if you can see the egg you can poke a hole in the egg, extract the contents with a syringe then break the shell, keeping it intact with the membrane and remove while lubricating the vent with vegetable oil. that last part seems risky to me. It is important to get the egg out within 48 hours or hen could die. Good luck, hope that helps Magpie

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