
Some causes of egg binding...most common is too large an egg...also can be calcium deficiency, calcium helps with muscle contraction. Too much protein, worms, dehydration or weakness from illness and stress. Getting the hen calm and relaxed is the most important part of helping her.
Bad phone call from the doctor just now.

My blood work that was pulled yesterday morning came back with no signs of the hCG hormone having changed. Going in for an ultrasound, they think I lost the baby. Wish I'd have said yes, sure, go ahead yesterday when he asked if I wanted an ultrasound. I was in a hurry to get DF to work and it's early yet.

This is a link to what he thinks was happening, and tomorrow it will be confirmed on way or another.

I swear. Just when things start going right it all comes toppling out of control again... On a good note the electrician fixed my ground wires and I can run my A/C again. AND wash clothes. Now to obsessively wash clothes while trying to pass time and not think about the news from the doc...

May God Bless You! I'm so sorry for this awry happening.
David, Harley.... Who ever else was telling me about bees back when u had the bed problem. I found them!!

What kind of bee digs holes in wood like this. They are all over the barn and you can just hear them digging away in them and what ever else they are doing in there!!!

We call em wood borers.
Thanks for the advice. I have a German Shepard that is really good with the girls. She acts like she is watching over them, but all she really wants to do is play with them, I think. Maybe with a little time she will get the idea. Do you know of any website or blog I can go to to help me train her for this??
If you really want to with your pup try contacting a local dog trainer,otherwise just build a pen.
Okay so today was like Christmas. I got my ADOR1 auto-chicken door from the Fed-Ex guy! I need to go buy a lantern battery tomorrow so I can play with it. Also, scored over 200 pallets. Only 56 would fit on my trailer. Can you say more chicken coops, goat loafing shed, compost bin, critter fencing, etc.! Now I just need to find someone getting rid of their old fence pickets.
So happy & excited for u!!!!!! Can u post a pic of a pallet coop? Very interested!!!
Do a search on pallet coops and you will find many, many pallet coops for your viewing pleasure.


Thanks! I'm a fairly new Ducky mom (no chickens). I've searched & searched for duck houses & there wasn't very much. I'm modifying a rabbit hutch & pen. I've never heard of a pallet coop! I'm sure it wld have been a lot cheaper!!
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You just have to be careful to make sure the pallets are not contaminated with pesticides and other chemicals. Especially the ones from overseas!!!


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