
You got some beautiful pups there.By the way, mine is a she. Maybe the one that doesn't like anything that wears feathers will come around. I had one that looks just like her, eyes and all. Sadly we had to put her down, one of my neighbors kids shot "at" her and hit her. The vet said there was nothing he could do. Anyway, all the best on your training adventure!!

Thank you. The Belgian mix, Rott, my bi-eyed Siberian and another Siberian I didn't post a pic of cause she won't let me take a good pic are rescues. The last Siberian I found at a backyard breeder, she is AKC registered, but she has some strange coloring and markings. I know I shouldn't have brought her but I couldn't leave her and I did report to animal control. Hope they investigated to save the other 3 pups and the 16 adult siberians there. She had never known human touch, what grass felt like, or what being dry was. she is scared of all strangers, human and dog alike. But she adores my hubby and is constantly jumping in his lap and snuggling with him, so we have hope for her.

This is the best pic I have of her. She is using my Rott as a pillow.
Anyone lese planning on going to the Brazos Valley Poultry Club - Trade Days this Saturday in Giddings? I'm hoping to score some nice BLRWs or Pure Ameraucanas, or maybe some Speckled Sussexs, who knows.....I'm definately coming home with something! LOL.


I want Ameracanas, but my hubby cut me off. Says no more chickens until the coop is enlarged or I reduce the population through culling the Roos. I was trying to make him feel bad so I told him if I have to cull the Roos I'm waiting till they are at least 12 weeks so they would be dinner, that I wouldn't cull the bird just because it was a Roo and taking up space. He agreed and says that is what he ment, he said I have to wait at least another month before I can have anything else that he was putting his foot down. I failed and am cut off. :hit
If you get some, maybe I could get chicks from you later or next year?
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I want Ameracanas, but my hubby cut me off. Says no more chickens until the coop is enlarged or I reduce the population through culling the Roos. I was trying to make him feel bad so I told him if I have to cull the Roos I'm waiting till they are at least 12 weeks so they would be dinner, that I wouldn't cull the bird just because it was a Roo and taking up space. He agreed and says that is what he ment, he said I have to wait at least another month before I can have anything else that he was putting his foot down. I failed and am cut off.

If you get some, maybe I could get chicks from you later or next year?
aww he is NO fun!!!!!!!
Okay so today was like Christmas. I got my ADOR1 auto-chicken door from the Fed-Ex guy! I need to go buy a lantern battery tomorrow so I can play with it.

Also, scored over 200 pallets. Only 56 would fit on my trailer. Can you say more chicken coops, goat loafing shed, compost bin, critter fencing, etc.! Now I just need to find someone getting rid of their old fence pickets.
'm so going to creep around some liquor stores now! Good idea!

I got mine from Miller Lite Distributing Warehouse so they are contaminated with beer! :)

Seriously though, they would only let me have the non-treated pallets. The treated pallets are painted blue and apparently they can actually sell those for a couple of bucks each.
Anyone lese planning on going to the Brazos Valley Poultry Club - Trade Days this Saturday in Giddings? I'm hoping to score some nice BLRWs or Pure Ameraucanas, or maybe some Speckled Sussexs, who knows.....I'm definately coming home with something! LOL.

I wanted to go but my brother says its too far :( He is such a meanie lol
In Leander, Texas just North/West of Austin Texas. Just took photos of the girls & 3 Roo's where should I post the photos?

How many girls do you have for your 3 Roos? I will have close to 20 hens and hope to have 2 Roos for them, will that be enough to keep the boys happy?

Look for the picture icon when your typing a post. Then click browse files and find your picture. Submit it and it will be included in your post. You can add 1 picture or multiple pictures.
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