
This was our chicken house in December.

Been working on it for a few days....getting the plastic off

one side and door done...

Finished it this afternoon plus a gate for the garden.

Did it all with just 50 pickets. Should be safe and with two fans
inside there should be enough air flow. DH did a great job...I love it.
So sorry to hear about your chicks I have had that happen to me before as well. A couple of months ago I had a Skunk get in my chicken house and raid a nest 4 days from hatching. BUT back to you black snakes love to pull that one too.
My husband actually had the machete in hand last night and I said "oh, we'll just let him go way out in the sticks" and I made I'm put it in a bucket. UNTIL, this morning!!! And now that I know that **** thing ate all 19 of my very viable chicks I am going to machete him myself!!!
Wow that is awful...I'm so sorry...it would have been in many pieces were it me!

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