
I'd kept her bc she's weird
. I will admit tho that my 1st response was, "What the Hell is that?"


Seriously though, we think that almost every time we see her...you would think we'd be use to it by now.
Wow. How the heck did a snake that big get in the henhouse?
Well, we bought 17 acres where the previous owner sold day old chickens (we were told she had hundreds at a time), so this is more like a chicken barn :/ It needs a bit of fixing up and we are doing it as it comes, but we thought they were pretty secure and haven't had any problems for 7 months. LIVE & LEARN!! I'm not sure how I could even snake proof the entire building, That would be thousands of dollars in hardware cloth. I had made her a little maternity ward area so she could have higher protein feed and her own easy access water bowl. I stay at home and have been checking on her constantly like 5 times a day waiting to hear the first peep and making sure she was going to be a good mother when they hatch (she is my first broody). I never saw it coming!! Next time I will make the maternity ward out of hardware cloth and make her get off everyday. The saddest part is that she just got right back on and keeps sitting there. I would give her another clutch but after sitting for 3 weeks her comb is faded and she has gotten skinny. Any suggestions on what I should do next would be appreciated.
Yes, I think she's a frazzle too. She's 'suppose' to be a frizzle but she's from a hatchery. I actually ordered 5 frizzles last year from Privett and she was the only one we had left after predators. We bought a few assorted bantams from our local TSC this year who also orders from Privett and we have a black frizzle. I'm worried that its a frazzle also because its pretty naked on the back half and feathering really slowly but the feathers it does have seem stronger/better than hers. I also have it in with the turkey poults who are getting extra protein so I'm hoping that might help strengthen his/her feathers.

wow just saw your in Odessa also, that's where my oldest son lives, him, his wife and son are coming down this weekend to see me, can't wait :) My daughter in-law is a elem. school teacher there. And my grandson (6 yrs. old) goes to school there. Frazzle wont look much better, they have few feathers and more quails I was told, but don't know.
This may have been posted on here before, but didn't see it. What are the best laying chickens to raise in my hot humid Houston area climate?
Well, we bought 17 acres where the previous owner sold day old chickens (we were told she had hundreds at a time), so this is more like a chicken barn :/  It needs a bit of fixing up and we are doing it as it comes, but we thought they were pretty secure and haven't had any problems for 7 months. LIVE & LEARN!!  I'm not sure how I could even snake proof the entire building, That would be thousands of dollars in hardware cloth. I had made her a little maternity ward area so she could have higher protein feed and her own easy access water bowl. I stay at home and have been checking on her constantly like 5 times a day waiting to hear the first peep and making sure she was going to be a good mother when they hatch (she is my first broody). I never saw it coming!! Next time I will make the maternity ward out of hardware cloth and make her get off everyday. The saddest part is that she just got right back on and keeps sitting there. I would give her another clutch but after sitting for 3 weeks her comb is faded and she has gotten skinny. Any suggestions on what I should do next would be appreciated. 

I don't know how to break a broody hen. Could you maybe get her some chicks to raise? She would be happy with just a couple.
I don't know how to break a broody hen. Could you maybe get her some chicks to raise? She would be happy with just a couple.
After this long, chicks might be a good idea..
I've also heard of dunking in icy water? But I think that's done earlier...
Sorry, no personal experience. Mine are only 16 weeks today
I got my chicks in this past Friday. We had a bit of a rough start, losing 6 in the first 36 hours. But, the rest have been fine - no deaths since Saturday night. I think it was more of a shipping stress/failure to thrive type thing. Just in case my bulb had teflon, I did change that out.

They sent 28 total, so now I have 22. Best guess is that I have 5 Silkies (I know this number is correct), 4 Dominque bantams, 6 Buff Orpington Bantams, and 7 Easter Egger Bantams. I've been catching them and boxing them up once or twice a day to check for pasty butt, food stuck to their feet, and to clean out their bedding, but I've tried not to handle them any more than that so not to stress them out. I have picked up one or two that appeared a bit lethargic to see if they are still eating and drinking. All have done so out of my hand with no problem, so they may have just been tired. It's a learning curve trying to figure out what is normal chick run around and collapse and take a nap versus it being a health problem. I'm still nervous at times, and admit to lightly poking a chick or two that was sleeping, but I'm getting more comfortable.

I took this video today at lunch. I moved them onto shavings last night. This was right after I fluffed up their food. It seems like they have doubled in size since I got them.


They'll stay inside until I they begin to bother me (dust, odor, etc.) Then I have a pen set up in the garage, and the coop is almost finished. We still have to add chicken wire around the fence (it's 4x4 now with a hot wire on the outside), but we were able to test fit the ramp. I think it looks like a face from the back.
It is that time of year again....chicken snakes will be on the prowl (Texas Rat Snake)...do not leave eggs in the nest if they are not viable...just asking for attention...I had 14 chickens snakes in and around my coops last year...if there is a way in...the will find it...I heard a commotion one night...ran out and opened the roost house...there was my rooster on the floor with a 5 foot chicken snake wrapped all around him...he looked at me as if to say...HEY I COULD USE A LITTLE HELP HERE...lol...I poked the snake until he let my roo go...then I poked him some more until he exited the coop...then I did a cool machete trick on him.
Made me Laugh!

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