
We had a few "incidents" when my girls were younger. My dog is just over a year and wanted to play, which ended up in a very irritated, slobber covered (but unharmed!) pullet. He's calmed down now. Both he and my cat barely pay them attention now. In fact my cat will steer clear of them...lol, she's afraid of my Barred Rock.

Ooh...I hadn't thought of tilling...
We don't have a tiller but I wouldn't mind getting everything turned over. We have straw in there now.

He's pretty! What type of Maran is he? Silver Cuckoo?

That's a good question? I dont know. I should know huh!? Lol. My friend is a better chicken keeper than I am she just told me he would be a great Roo for my girls.
That's a good question? I dont know. I should know huh!? Lol. My friend is a better chicken keeper than I am she just told me he would be a great Roo for my girls.

My cuckoo looks just like that. I'm going with cuckoo!
I have golden cuckoo chicks but they're all females. So I wasn't sure what a roo would look like. And I figured with the barring, he had to be some kind of cuckoo :)
This is what breakfast looks like at my place. lol


Here is our 5 month old black Austrolorp X white Leghorn cross head rooster at breakfast this morning.

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Hello Texas poultry people! My family is ready to move, but we have no place to move to. We want to stay in Texas, and we definitely want a place with land. We want more ducks(currently have three), some chickens, guineas, and cattle. Where would be a good area to look? We also want to slowly add goats, sheep, and horses, so we definitely need something with a lot of land. But, we really need something that's fairly cheap at first, just so we can hurry and get out of the house we're in now.

In the meantime, could anyone in Texas give me prices for Welsh Harlequin ducklings? And also where you live.
Wow...that's quite a busy gang you have there.  Handsome roo BTW.  It's cool that they all get along too!

That's not all of them either. The BA pullets, and month old goslings don't come till After the older birds eat! At last count we have 32 chickens, 8 geese, and 7 ducks. 4 of our ducks are less than a week old and in the nursery with our injured female black crested duck Ebony. They get breakfast served in there. I made sure to raise the geese and chickens together, so they would get along. They were separated into their separate coops a few weeks ago.
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Think I'm going to go strangle my dogs!! They have discovered the horse across the road (it's been there for 2 wks) now they won't shut up!! Plus they have dug under the fence and gotten out twice this week...just thankful they know where home is. They came running up to the truck and put dirty feet on my white jeans when we came home from church yesterday! Thankfully they headed for the woods and not the road and they didn't mess with the chickens either...whew! Don't know what I'm gonna do with them...guess it's time to turn the "hot" fence wire back on.
Think I'm going to go strangle my dogs!!  They have discovered the horse across the road (it's been there for 2 wks) now they won't shut up!! Plus they have dug under the fence and gotten out twice this week...just thankful they know where home is.  They came running up to the truck and put dirty feet on my white jeans when we came home from church yesterday!  Thankfully they headed for the woods and not the road and they didn't mess with the chickens either...whew!  Don't know what I'm gonna do with them...guess it's time to turn the "hot" fence wire back on.

Im glad no one was hurt. Hope you can keep the dogs where they and the livestock are safe.

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