
Where are you located?? I am interested in 4!!!

How much are you asking and how old are they? Oh and where are you located?

I need/want a white one.  Weird I know but i have my reasons....

I'm located in New Braunfels. Asking $10 for the 10 week olds, and $5 for the 5 week olds. I've got both smooth and frizzled roosters and pullets. I have blacks, blues, and the brown mottled. I just hatched a single white one. But I just got it out of the incubator, so I don't know if it is a pullet.

I do have a 8 month old white EE with a few black spots I would sell if you wanted her.





I have not fallen off the grid! I have been hard at work on critter projects. Here is the progress that we have made on the top floor of our coop.







Today I hope to finish the top by adding something to the door to keep the wind from blowing it open. Probably a bungie cord. That seems to not be to complicated for my little boys to get in and out of. I also have to put in a pop hole from the bottom floor and a ladder wrung. Think I will just attach cedar staves to the vertical 2x4s for staves. Eventually I will install a swing or two since the one I put down stairs is used so much.
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Here is the swing I made for downstairs and my new Maran Rooster. I traded some plymouths for him. Can't wait to get an enclosed scratch pen attached to expand this bottom level. We have a lot of hawk and owl here. I want to let them free range during the day but would rather them be in a coop at night.
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Happy weekend, all!
When I first got my pullets in April, one of my dogs went NUTS and was constantly circling the open air kennel. I feared my dreams of free ranging were over!

I'm happy to report that after a few weeks, he has more than chilled out:

The barn cat we acquired also doesn't care about the chickens. She followed me into the coop to clean and paid no mind to the ladies.

Woohoo! Peace at Black Dog Ranch
We had a few "incidents" when my girls were younger. My dog is just over a year and wanted to play, which ended up in a very irritated, slobber covered (but unharmed!) pullet. He's calmed down now. Both he and my cat barely pay them attention now. In fact my cat will steer clear of them...lol, she's afraid of my Barred Rock.

Well here is an update on using pine bark in the coop. It seems to work well as a base because it allows more air to circulate and the chicken's feet aren't walking on the dirt, but it's no good for odor control. It doesn't absorb moisture like the shavings do so the poo doesn't dry out very well. The shavings are much more absorbent so it stays dryer. Only have bark right now and have noticed much more odor. There may still be some bad stuff in the back so tomorrow we'll finish cleaning it out, spread the bark out that's in there and then put down a thick layer of shavings. Hopefully that will get rid of most of the odor. DH is also going to till up the chicken yard give them fresh stuff to peck and turn the poo under.
Ooh...I hadn't thought of tilling...
We don't have a tiller but I wouldn't mind getting everything turned over. We have straw in there now.

Here is the swing I made for downstairs and my new Maran Rooster. I traded some plymouths for him. Can't wait to get an enclosed scratch pen attached to expand this bottom level. We have a lot of hawk and owl here. I want to let them free range during the day but would rather them be in a coop at night.
He's pretty! What type of Maran is he? Silver Cuckoo?
I'm located in New Braunfels. Asking $10 for the 10 week olds, and $5 for the 5 week olds. I've got both smooth and frizzled roosters and pullets. I have blacks, blues, and the brown mottled. I just hatched a single white one. But I just got it out of the incubator, so I don't know if it is a pullet.

I do have a 8 month old white EE with a few black spots I would sell if you wanted her.
Glad you're so far! ;) Don't think I could resist more EEs
We had a few "incidents" when my girls were younger. My dog is just over a year and wanted to play, which ended up in a very irritated, slobber covered (but unharmed!) pullet. He's calmed down now. Both he and my cat barely pay them attention now. In fact my cat will steer clear of them...lol, she's afraid of my Barred Rock.

Ooh...I hadn't thought of tilling...
We don't have a tiller but I wouldn't mind getting everything turned over. We have straw in there now.

He's pretty! What type of Maran is he? Silver Cuckoo?

Oh my, I'm glad she was just slobbered on and not hurt!


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