
Oh gosh they have several kinds, but I got my eye on the Orpingtons! They also have production reds and some easter eggers I think. When I go back I will get a list to post.

I like Bo and EE. You will have so much enjoyment with them. I'm in a building mood. I an fixing to start another coop.

If you like building coops...
You may have already heard this from others, but be careful with newspapers. They can get slick after the chicks poo on them. I always use paper towels spread on top of pine shavings. After the chicks get to be a few days old, I remove the paper towels and put them directly on the shavings.

Have fun!!!
You may have already heard this from others, but be careful with newspapers. They can get slick after the chicks poo on them. I always use paper towels spread on top of pine shavings. After the chicks get to be a few days old, I remove the paper towels and put them directly on the shavings.

Have fun!!!

Yep! I was thinking that I could put the shavings on the newspaper to help with cleanup... would that work?
From experience, I'd put down paper towels for the first few days, then after a few days the chicks know where and what their food and water is....then you can put in some shavings....or as was suggested put down shavings covered by paper towel. News paper can become slick and your chicks can run the danger of 'doing the splits' which can cause problems at their young age. Young chicks might peck at and ingest shavings in their first few days and this can cause problems also!
Also be sure you can maintain at least a 95 temp in your brooder for the first week.........with no drafts. This time of year (Oct/Nov) I keep my bitties in the house. In April or May I can keep them in the barn.
Best of luck with your bitties!!!
I'm in Fort Worth, but almost at the edge of it. I only have 1/3 acre, and only 1/4 of that do I let my chickens on (predator management). Sure was hot and dry this summer.

PS. I snagged 5 of the Americauna chicks Russell feed had last weekend. Just happened to have an almost finished greenhouse with a planned winter chicken run for if we get the deep freeze again this year. I keep them in a rubbermaid tub (huge one) in the kitchen, lined w cardboard box, at night. And in the green house run in the daytime so they can peck and scratch and be wild chicky birds. There is no longer a shred of grass in that dirt floor. Got a little spot to hang the heat lamp under a shelf, above the roof of their cage, and waterer they can't topple, all set up. Sure is easier the 2nd time around.
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AuntGoose that will wrk just fine. Do some paper towels on the bottom with shavings on top. Form your heat lamp just make sure it is not going to touch your plastic because it will melt it. I have hung my lamps up over my tubs in the past and hang it on one side of the tote, so if they get to hot they can move to a cooler area. Then each week degrees the temp by 5 degrees that is how we wean them off the light.
Want to say hi neighbor as well I am in Rhome, Texas it is next to Decatur. I am off 287 near 114 , or 407 and 287. Nice to see someone close by.
AuntGoose that will wrk just fine. Do some paper towels on the bottom with shavings on top. Form your heat lamp just make sure it is not going to touch your plastic because it will melt it. I have hung my lamps up over my tubs in the past and hang it on one side of the tote, so if they get to hot they can move to a cooler area. Then each week degrees the temp by 5 degrees that is how we wean them off the light.
Want to say hi neighbor as well I am in Rhome, Texas it is next to Decatur. I am off 287 near 114 , or 407 and 287. Nice to see someone close by.

Thanks Deana! I am so excited! The girls are here! Pics to follow, but I got 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Buff Orpingtons, and 2 Americanas!
Thanks everyone for so much good advice.
After reading one of the posts about newspaper, I rushed out and put paper towels on top of the pine shavings. I now have a layer of news paper, a layer of pine savings and a layer of paper towels. Poor bitties think they are on the moon. But they did settle down and look like they are trying to get some shut eye now. This is all so new for me. I hope I don't worry them to death!

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