
That's a gorgeous egg!!!
I am hoping I will see some of those next November.
It's funny. I remember my first batch of chicks - 14 of 'em - and they stayed in this brooder until they were 6 weeks old and it never looked so small. These guys are just over 2 weeks and I'm already thinking of finding them something bigger! I chickened out on just dirt, and added a light layer of shavings on the top, but next time, I will just do the dirt. The smell is already so much better and it gives the chicks more to play in.
Are those feather dusters?
It's funny. I remember my first batch of chicks - 14 of 'em - and they stayed in this brooder until they were 6 weeks old and it never looked so small. These guys are just over 2 weeks and I'm already thinking of finding them something bigger! I chickened out on just dirt, and added a light layer of shavings on the top, but next time, I will just do the dirt. The smell is already so much better and it gives the chicks more to play in.
Wow! They are really active!
Typical weekend trip to TS for horse/chicken stuff. Picked up some scratch and cracked corn and birdseed. The TS in Magnolia has their 'Chick Days' displays out with some cute little coops but only had a couple of bins of CR straight run. Most folks around here like the eye candy breeds rather than the meat ones. Livengood Feed in Tomball ended up with a lot of Red SL last year and this year they had ordered Silkies, Marans, Welsummers, Barnevelders and Orps and sold them as fast as they have come in.
I live in Dallas texas, and im looking for malay rooster or hens , do you know how can i buy it ? Do you know a farm they have it? Or in online page?
I dont know nothing about rooster, but i saw a video on youtube, and they said that they are 30 inches tall, that is why i like them

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