
No....you are...it's not an "either or" thing....and you could very well be compromising your familys health by destroying beneficial snakes....

More people by far die from diseases spread by rats than even get bit by snakes....I'm only trying to point out your thinking is illogical and based on fear and misconception....and....BTW: The best way to get bit by a snake is to try to kill it....

Me thinks someone ain't going to be on BYC long. These kind of personal attacks are not tolerated on this forum.

Or did you read the rules or not??

Take a chill pill and come back when you are in a better mood. Lots to learn here if you are willing to close your mouth and open your ears!!!

No offense intended!!!

And I think you are missing the point!! A newbie coming on here and trying to push your thoughts and beliefs and belittle others who do not believe exactly as you do!!!
If you are trying to make friends on here you are going about it the wrong way.
Personally I feel the same way about snakes as you do but you have to realize that not every body feels the same. Your condescending remarks are offensive even to me as those you are responding to are my friends. For now!!!


Sorry David....I'm not making these statements to belittle people....not trying to make friends or enemies by them...merely trying to be an advocate for something I believe in....and trying to change people's perspective....because it's sad that people really do kill beneficial snakes out of fear and ignorance....and....if you look closely....you'll see...I never condemned anyone here for their actions directly....only that their reasoning may be flawed.....

And .....BTW: Excuse me for getting in line behind you....but what does WHEN I joined have anything to do with anything??????
No....you are...it's not an "either or" thing....and you could very well be compromising your familys health by destroying beneficial snakes....

More people by far die from diseases spread by rats than even get bit by snakes....I'm only trying to point out your thinking is illogical and based on fear and misconception....and....BTW: The best way to get bit by a snake is to try to kill it....

Never been bit by trying to kill a snake, just by either stepping on one or trying to catch it. Listen, I agree that they are beneficial, but they are also a threat to our safety. Let me ask you a question, when was the last time you, or anybody has contracted a disease, in this country from a rat? There is more rat deterent out there than anything else. Most people are responsible enough to take precautions against rats and mice than they are to protect themselves from snakes. If there is no food source for the snakes, they usually move to a place where there is a food source. Most chicken people think this out, whether forced to, or before hand. The common consensus is to do everything to get rid of the rats, and this will get rid of most of the snakes. So, if you are willing to come down off your pedestal and not be so condescending, maybe you could make some friends here. That is what we are about on this thread, we help each other, no matter what our beliefs.
Sorry David....I'm not making these statements to belittle people....not trying to make friends or enemies by them...merely trying to be an advocate for something I believe in....and trying to change people's perspective....because it's sad that people really do kill beneficial snakes out of fear and ignorance....and....if you look closely....you'll see...I never condemned anyone here for their actions directly....only that their reasoning may be flawed.....

And .....BTW: Excuse me for getting in line behind you....but what does WHEN I joined have anything to do with anything??????

Generally when a person joins and does not bother to take the time to get to know the people who post on a regular basis before attacking them I consider that inconsiderate!!! I joined this forum and did not make my first post for three months. When you JUMP on here and start pushing your beliefs, right or wrong, you are going to rub people the wrong way.

Just Sayin.

Now let's start over and Welcome From Belott!!!

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Generally when a person joins and does not bother to take the time to get to know the people who post on a regular basis before attacking them I consider that inconsiderate!!! I joined this forum and did not make my first post for three months. When you JUMP on here and start pushing your beliefs, right or wrong, you are going to rub people the wrong way.

Just Sayin.

Now let's start over and Welcome From Belott!!!


He or she definitely rubbed me wrong!!
Sorry David....I'm not making these statements to belittle people....not trying to make friends or enemies by them...merely trying to be an advocate for something I believe in....and trying to change people's perspective....because it's sad that people really do kill beneficial snakes out of fear and ignorance....and....if you look closely....you'll see...I never condemned anyone here for their actions directly....only that their reasoning may be flawed.....

And .....BTW: Excuse me for getting in line behind you....but what does WHEN I joined have anything to do with anything??????
I believe most people come on here to make friends. I know I did! At first I got what you were saying but now all that has gone out the window because I feel like you are attacking anyone who does not see things exactly as you do. I like snakes and don't generally have issues with them. However when you have livestock they come first. Relocating only works so much and I don't want to cance that I didn't relocate them far enough. I sell my eggs and to lose eggs or birds has a direct impact on how I'm going to pay for feed. This is a community and we are hear to share common interests, learn and make friends.

I believe its time to call this discussion over. No one is right. No one is wrong. End of story. Lets get back to talking chicken.

Yes. I am the little lady. No I did not take any little ones home they're to poisonous at that stage. We killed them and tossed them.

I had TVDLM come out today and bleed birds. He was quick, made my life easy, and let me turn birds out as soon as he bled them. So no one had to be kept locked up long in this heat. It was a pleasant experience and we are officially UTD on everything. I can start selling again. Fwew.

The bob whites and pheasants move out into their temporary flight pen. Its a little bigger than the one they were in, and should hold them a couple more weeks. This will give me time to collect supplies and send my nephews back to Dallas.
I understand Ken, but everybody has something to contribute. I understand where they are coming from but let's give him/her a chance to be part of the BYC family and maybe we can learn from them as well!!


I am with you there David, but this guy/girl is not letting up. All I did was mention that I would "get" the snake that killed my reallyrare and expensive bird. Not to mention, my favorite. He/she has not let up about the snakes. If you read my last post, I am willing to listen, as long as he/she opens up his/her mind.

I believe its time to call this discussion over. No one is right. No one is wrong. End of story. Lets get back to talking chicken.

Yes. I am the little lady. No I did not take any little ones home they're to poisonous at that stage. We killed them and tossed them.

I had TVDLM come out today and bleed birds. He was quick, made my life easy, and let me turn birds out as soon as he bled them. So no one had to be kept locked up long in this heat. It was a pleasant experience and we are officially UTD on everything. I can start selling again. Fwew.

The bob whites and pheasants move out into their temporary flight pen. Its a little bigger than the one they were in, and should hold them a couple more weeks. This will give me time to collect supplies and send my nephews back to Dallas.

You are so right Kate. It is time to grow up, and also time to be a kid again!!!

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