
No, that is going to be at the Fancy Feathers show on March 10, in New Braunfels,Tx.
The stock show is just a regular, 2 day poultry show.

awww well that one is too far i meant the Fancy Feathers show. :( Well the San Antonio Stock is around the corner anbody going to that one in February?Also dumb question is there an age limit to show chickens?Ive only ever shown one pig before and that was a looooong time ago.
Welcome Psyco! Hope you enjoy Texas!
Hey, there yeah the weather in in austin has been kinda crazy, my first summer i thought i would melt, but was thankful that the humidity is not as bad as it is back home. Wishing for snow but not gonna happen here right. This place sure is not like the beach Iknow i miss home alot. We moved here in march from coastal north carolina
Hello Everyone!! I agree with Psycoforsilkies. I'm in Austin too and the weather this week alone has made me gone crazy. It starts really cold and then the sun hits you right in the middle of the day, best thing to do is to war layers, thin of course as it hasn't gotten too cold yet.

Question for Psycoforsilkies, What color silkies do you have?
Well for Silkies i have A paint Roo paired with 2 paint pullets and a black hen, then i have A lavender hen with a buff Cockeral right now sadly my fav roo a black/lav split came ill and passed. Then i have A splash Roo ( fancy pants or norbert) with 2 blue hens. I also have a really nice white cockeral, and a Partridge roo which i like to call my Drag queen because all these months has be masqurading as a hen, but just learned to crow. those are my adults i also have young ones blue , black, white, paint, part, red. then inside we have ones under 1 month blue, blk, lav, part, silver part, paint, and a few i dont know what color they will be
Awesome!! Love silkies.. As for me I got a Black silkie hen and a white one too. One splash Roo that has not given me any kids yet. He's madly in love with the black hen but she doesn't like him, I have almost given out on him but he's too cute. I seen the pictures of your flock( Psycoforsilkies) they're all so precious.
I have been trying to upload pic's a few at a time of all the chickens, but my internet here is slow so to save sanity i only do a little at a time.We started with just a few babies we were gonna let grow up and get some eggs later, well then they turned into 13 babies, then we decided to buy some hens already laying and i discovered silkies and now i think they maybe becoming an addiction , obsession im not sure yet what it is but i love them all. prob spend to much time with them. being new here in town dont have many friends so i have the chickens. but hey , they are always happy to see me " the treat lady" . they prob think i'm insane.
Hey guys :)

I started a thread about gardening in Texas if anyone is interested! It's in the hobbies section.

This glorious weather is giving me premature spring fever!!


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