
Bacon seeds! Yes!

We have American Guinea hogs. In the past I've had feeder pigs. Just grown out to eat, mutts. Wild. Whatever I can get my hands on. I'm about to pick up two more feeders. They'll be about six weeks old when I get them and we'll cook them up around Thanksgiving. If one of the two guilts looks like she's going to be good breeder quality I may keep her and AI her. I like the Guinea Hogs because they're a landrace breed and very rare. We're picking up another guilt in a month or so when she's ready.

We've also got goats, horses, dogs, cats, a cow named Guin and all the other critters.
As to the chickens foraging where the pigs are? I like to move the pigs around the property. The next batch will be started in the back corner. They till up and germinate wherever you put them. It's awesome. They'll destroy any pen but it makes wonderful tilled forage plots to plant seeds. Better than goats at ridding you of yaupon and weeds!

The only reason I don't recommend keeping pigs and chickens in proximity is because pigs are cannibals. If I fell over in a hungry pig pen there wouldn't be bones when they were done.

To quote the movie Hannibal: He feeds the pigs on Tuesdays. ;)
Ugh. Lost a 6 week old EE last night. My daughter named it Camo. It was fine in the morning, and dead last night. No idea what happened.

This was Camo when we got her.

Camo last week.

Thanks for letting me share this. She's my first chicken loss, and I'll admit, I cried a little. Not sure what happened, but I felt horrible.
I'm so sorry for your loss. It really sucks when you lose a chicken. No matter how old they are.

Got a new cockerel finally. I'm 95% sure he's a chantecler. He's darling, we've named him Freddy and he's the calmest, sweetest boy we've ever come across.

Congrats on the pretty boy! He's adorable!

We are the proud new owners of a Brazilian breeding pair. I'm beyond excited. My uncle gave it to us as an anniversary present. Pictures to come!!
Can't wait for the pictures! :)
I know there used to be some duck folks on here and may still be.... I might be picking up a muscovy trio this evening to add to my backyard menagerie of chickens and rabbits. Anybody here raise muscovies? Been doing lots of research but looking for personal experiences and tips. Thanks!
I know there used to be some duck folks on here and may still be.... I might be picking up a muscovy trio this evening to add to my backyard menagerie of chickens and rabbits. Anybody here raise muscovies? Been doing lots of research but looking for personal experiences and tips. Thanks!
I have ducks but not Muscovy. I believe @TherryChicken does. Also the duck forum is great.
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I know there used to be some duck folks on here and may still be.... I might be picking up a muscovy trio this evening to add to my backyard menagerie of chickens and rabbits. Anybody here raise muscovies? Been doing lots of research but looking for personal experiences and tips. Thanks!
I don't have personal experience with Muscovy's but know people who have them. They all love the breed BUT they can fly very well so you may need to clip a wing to keep them grounded. Especially if yours will/is truely a backyard flock. Unless of course you want them to visit the neighbors.
Beginning to think my cockerel is a barnyard mix of chantecler and something else. Been told in the ID forum that he's a thing called a "Dixie Rainbow" but I ain't ever seen or heard of the breed in my life. And I can't find any such breed through Google except a few threads here on BYC.

We'll see after his first molt!
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I don't have personal experience with Muscovy's but know people who have them. They all love the breed BUT they can fly very well so you may need to clip a wing to keep them grounded. Especially if yours will/is truely a backyard flock. Unless of course you want them to visit the neighbors.

Wing clipping is definitely on the to do list!
DAAAANG. That's a lotta chickens! We're down to five after processing our rooster (he was renamed Curry after he tried to attack me THROUGH the fence). We're shopping for his replacement on Monday.

What kind of rooster are you looking for? I have a little Americana or Easter egger cockerell I might be rehoming or a Cochin roo. Not sure who yet. The cockerell is so sweet. ; 3;

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