
New Texan here hello all
Tell us about yourself. Chickens? Ducks?

Working on the multi post thingy. Sorry for just taking easy road & quoting multi post.

Some of you should write for a living. Seriously. Enjoyed it.

And wait.......chocolate chickens for sale?$#* I hope I see that in time!!! What's the expected sell out time? 10 seconds or less
How bout this Texas weather!

Chocolate Orpingtons. I have lavender and want to get some chocolates.
I had rabbits growing up and mess them terribly.

WOO HOOO, you go girl. You'll be showing me how to do things real soon

Whew.... I thought you got all NPIP'ed and forgot about us


YAY, I'm watching for the chocolate for sale signs

Folks used to come out to our place when my husband was a kid to round them up. We still have about a million here on 113 acres. If you get over that aversion let me know

ok, so... when JTN gets over his aversion and it's time for the next round up... you two are on my team... snakes here... I point.. y'all round them up, and we all get rich, lol

I wish... I would be famous! LOL

YAY for you, that's awesome.
Backyard chickens are becoming so popular that more neighborhoods need to consider this.

Same problem here.
The Chocolates are up for sale, an incubator full, plus hatching eggs. :)
On the bright side, I have been running some hatches and my roosters are doing their jobs. I have hatched a group of LF Chocolate Orpingtons. I suspect there is a mottled gene the way some of the chicks are turning out, which is pretty cool. Some seem to have the standard FL genes, but it might be the general coloration of the chicks too. I managed to hatch Black Copper Marans, and blue Americaunas. I love the blue feathering, slate blue legs, and sky blue eggs of my Blue Americanas. I have some hens maturing, with one hen laying. So, the young hens are POL, with one girl producing and with good fertility.

So, I am pretty happy with my hatch rates.
OOOOHHH!! Let me know if you sell any eggs or babies of either of the Black Copper Marans, and blue Americaunas.

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