
Does anyone have any recommendations for dealing with flies? With the recent rain, I've had a real problem emerge in the past week or so, even though I try to be sure to cover the poop with shavings or vegetation on the compost heap. I've read the standard stuff (try to keep poop dry, covered, etc.), but would still like to hear ideas for prevention as well as dealing with an existing issue (traps?). I can imagine that as it gets hotter it may only get worse. I was thinking of putting landscape cloth over the compost pile...

- Ant Farm
Someone told me to hang the little car tree deodorizers in vanilla around your coop. They said flies don't like the scent. I got some at the dollar store very inexpensively. I think they were a dollar a piece. Seems to help. Someone also said this is fly season anyway, and flies are rampant because of the weather and time of year. Looking for a good solution too.
Someone told me to hang the little car tree deodorizers in vanilla around your coop. They said flies don't like the scent. I got some at the dollar store very inexpensively. I think they were a dollar a piece. Seems to help. Someone also said this is fly season anyway, and flies are rampant because of the weather and time of year. Looking for a good solution too.

Thanks! It certainly can't hurt!!! My coops will smell like poopy vanilla of course...

I'll go looking for some tomorrow.

- Ant Farm
Thanks! It certainly can't hurt!!! My coops will smell like poopy vanilla of course...

I'll go looking for some tomorrow.

- Ant Farm
The deodorant hangers have never worked for me. The only thing that has worked is a particular brand of fly stick that I've driven 50 miles one way to buy. Any other fly trap/paper has never worked. I use the Star Bar Fly Stick and hang them up around the pens. If I see a place where the flies seem to congregate, I'll figure out how to hang it there. Our tom turkeys love them - they hop up and pull the flies off the traps for a snack.
Does anyone have any recommendations for dealing with flies? With the recent rain, I've had a real problem emerge in the past week or so, even though I try to be sure to cover the poop with shavings or vegetation on the compost heap. I've read the standard stuff (try to keep poop dry, covered, etc.), but would still like to hear ideas for prevention as well as dealing with an existing issue (traps?). I can imagine that as it gets hotter it may only get worse. I was thinking of putting landscape cloth over the compost pile...

- Ant Farm
The deodorant hangers have never worked for me. The only thing that has worked is a particular brand of fly stick that I've driven 50 miles one way to buy. Any other fly trap/paper has never worked. I use the Star Bar Fly Stick and hang them up around the pens. If I see a place where the flies seem to congregate, I'll figure out how to hang it there. Our tom turkeys love them - they hop up and pull the flies off the traps for a snack.

We use fly strips also. I'm not sure what brand but when I put one up and it fills with flies it's like the other flies stay away, lol.

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