
Howdy, I am here to learn as much as I can about raising chickens.

you will learn a lot from this site!
Hi all. I just found this thread and think its really cool. I am located in Somerville Texas. I have had chickens since April, and really enjoy it.
So far, I have 11 guineas (8 hens/3 roo's), 5 rir hens, 5 black australorps (2 roo/3 hens), 3 cochin bantams(1 roo/2 hens), 2 easter eggers (both roos), 1 coo coo maran hen, 6 white leghorn hens, 5 sexlink hens, 4 ameraucana's (2 hens & 2 chicks), 2 silver laced wyandotte chicks & 2 buff orpington chicks.

I recently purchased an incubator, so I will start hatching eggs pretty soon. If there is someone in my area that needs so eggs hatched, or would possibly want to trade/sell some hatch eggs or chicks, please let me know.

As soon as I finish out my coop, I will be looking for the following:

1- rir roo
2- ee hens
1- red sexlink roo
and depending on what the laced wyandotte & orpington chicks turn out to be, may need roo or hens to go with them.


Howdy, I am here to learn as much as I can about raising chickens.
Lots of information and experienced people found here. Don't be afraid to ask questions

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