
GamGam, you are a good chicken mom :) nice looking chickies.

No that wasn't me who won the trophy, that was Angie! Congrats to her. The judge was very nice and came and talked to me about my birds after all the awards had been handed out. He kinda confirmed my thoughts about the birds, so I ended up trading three of my BCMs girls for 3 backyards girls from a friend of mine. The hens just weren't anywhere close to what they needed to be. No copper at all and one of them had a side spring and one had a funny shaped head. He said my roo was underconditioned and molting - I think a lot of people are having issues with that right now. So I now have a game plan for the show in January. The 2 blues that I had that he said looked good, I have put them in with my roo (I've trimmed his tail and will pluck it in a couple of days so it has time to grow out for BBC) and so although I don't have any BCM eggs right now, I'll have BCM over blue, which will be interesting. My head count for BBC has gone down from about 20 to 10 after speaking with the judge. I have several I'm probably going to be selling/trading for since they are not where they should be as far as coloring goes. The fair itself was $15 to enter (children 11 and under were free), so it cost me $10 (as an exhibitor) and the ex $15. This did not include any food, drinks or rides. This was only entry into the fair. They didn't really have many animal exhibits, but they had a very nice art exhibit that we enjoyed quite a bit. They also had a building for a plant exhibit, which was very nice also. There was also a building for vendors and several outside vendors. The kids got to ride a mechanical bull, which was fun for them and fun to watch!! I took quite a few pics and will probably be loading them onto FB in the next couple of days. I would say that although I did not place, it was a very good day. I learned a lot and got to meet more poultry people and learn about the BBC in January. It's the largest poultry show in the state of Texas!!
There calling for 40% rain & 65 degrees this weekend. Yee Haw!! Its been too hot here lately. Bring it on.High in the 80's during the day probably won't last long but its a start.Go away summer. I noticed the leaves falling from my pecan trees. Its coming fall.
I think it would be hilarious if the british broadcasting company had a chicken show!! Or chickens talking with a British accent :)

I was referring to the Bluebonnet Classic, January 5th in College Station :)
Totally Off Topic....but animal related....

ATTENTION NORTH TEXAS FRIENDS!!! A request....my boys already do FFA & 4H shows(Heifers, Swine, Rabbits & of course Chickens). They now want to do Rodeo.

I am looking for very cheap to free-rodeo equipment. Vest, Helmet(even a Hockey one), ropes and chaps. They have been borrowing recently. These would need to be adult sized-one son is 6'4" and the other 5'6"

ALSO looking for a horse/animal hauler trailer. Can need some work. But again cheap to free. Have shows coming up and limited space with the schools trailers. THANKS
Thanks ange. I thought he was 2-3 months but checked my calendar and he is just now going to be close to 2 months. He is only PQ but we don't show our chickens. He is much loved as all ours are.
Thanks Vickir. I need to give away one of the mixed roos. I have 3 from the sultan/old english game hatch. They are 4 months old and already trying to mate. Won't be long and they will be fighting for real. Right now, they just practice. Hard to find a home for a rooster but even worse for a mix breed.

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