
I see we are suppose to get 80's during the day and 60's at night on Sunday. I sure hope it pans out. I usually hate winter but can't wait for it to arrive now. We are going to be up to 100 everyday until the front. :barnie
Hi Texans!
Does anyone know where I can buy some Azolla Caroliniana? This is a wild plant here in Texas, but I have found out that since we had a drought in Texas, it/s nearly impossible to find. Out of state nurseries can't ship it because it's against the law to ship it to Texas or LA. I'm hoping someone within Texas will have a source. I want to raise it in a landscape pond, and feed it to the chickens. Any help finding a source would be appreciated!
New subject but does anyone know anything about the "pox" After some research I think we have it showing up on our chickens. I have an OEGB roo that lives in a pen & an AG roo that freeranges that have the stuff showing up on their combs. The AG roo has it all over his face & comb & I think I can see some places on a couple of the AG hens who have almost quit laying for me in the last week. They don't seem sick. What causes it & how do I get rid of it? I'm trying to put some pictures up but I keep getting "error uploading pictures" so I'll try later today.
New subject but does anyone know anything about the "pox" After some research I think we have it showing up on our chickens. I have an OEGB roo that lives in a pen & an AG roo that freeranges that have the stuff showing up on their combs. The AG roo has it all over his face & comb & I think I can see some places on a couple of the AG hens who have almost quit laying for me in the last week. They don't seem sick. What causes it & how do I get rid of it?  I'm trying to put some pictures up but I keep getting "error uploading pictures" so I'll try later today.

Dry fowl pox is carried by Mosquitos..... It usually shows up as black scabs on the combs/wattles. Usually takes about a month to pass. It will spread from chicken to chicken. But once the chicken has it...it won't get it again (from what I understand). That said, any chicks or newly acquired poultry can get it at a later date. Wet fowl pox is a totally different matter and is bad juju!

Being in the Louisiana area it's almost a given that the chickens will have it at one time or another :/
Pox is spread by mosquitoes. They've been bad this year, so it makes sense for more cases of Pox to show up. Mine had it earlier this summer. Laying was down to almost nothing. They all healed up in a few weeks and now they look and act just fine.
Here is another unrelated post: If anyone that is close enough to drive to Rains or Wood county and would be interested in some Marans eggs for hatching just let me know. My roo is Black Copper, the hens are Blue, Blue Copper, Black & Cuckoo. They would not be any charge for them. I would just need a few days to collect them. Thanks and I really enjoy reading all the posts.
Quote: Thanks for the input I'm feeling much better about the situation after everyones replies....

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