
4 in rain Friday
1 in Saturday
3/4 in Sunday
1/2 in Monday
1/2 in Tuesday
1/2 in Wednesday
1/2 in Thursday
1/4 in today.
Slowly slacking off.
Oof. It didn't rain today, or yesterday, so I watered the container garden today. Debating whether I want to go out and fight that dang nightshade patch tonight or not. Really don't want to, but the daytime temperatures are about to skyrocket and this might be the last evening I can get out for a bit. Don't want to pull up deadly plants in front of the toddler, so I wait until after he's off to bed.
Oof. It didn't rain today, or yesterday, so I watered the container garden today. Debating whether I want to go out and fight that dang nightshade patch tonight or not. Really don't want to, but the daytime temperatures are about to skyrocket and this might be the last evening I can get out for a bit. Don't want to pull up deadly plants in front of the toddler, so I wait until after he's off to bed.
I'm waiting to for it to dry up. I have poison ivy, oak and sumac to tackle.
I need a warm dry wind free day.
Mosquitoes!! I'm very lucky kinda
Mosquito bites me and leaves red spots
mosquito bites never ever itch.
Trying to figure out a fight for mosquitoes.
Dynatrap filling every 3 days-chickens eat good

Too many puddles for dunks
Too many mosquitoes
I don't like deet or pesticides on me
Looking at essential oils-eucalyptus and lavender to mix and spray on me and around sitting areas.
Any suggestions?
Mosquitoes!! I'm very lucky kinda
Mosquito bites me and leaves red spots
mosquito bites never ever itch.
Trying to figure out a fight for mosquitoes.
Dynatrap filling every 3 days-chickens eat good

Too many puddles for dunks
Too many mosquitoes
I don't like deet or pesticides on me
Looking at essential oils-eucalyptus and lavender to mix and spray on me and around sitting areas.
Any suggestions?
Citronella or lemongrass, they hate both. You don't itch? That is lucky. I itch like mad from mosquito bites and have to break out all the natural anti itch remedies. If I scratch them them turn into big ugly welts.
No itch-just red dots
Well, after several days of forecasting flip flops... and getting the “lime based” whitewashing almost done.... once dried overnight it’s looking really great again.

still need to do a little touch up & up at the top and ceiling too. Then we can let everyone & new. Hicks back into the coop at night.

Red hen with the limp is still solo in the medical rehab crate and continues to limp but, decided she wants to start laying eggs again. She’s layer 2 this week.

many idea folks on how I could research this for a plausible cause here or on the web at large?

to recap: noticed she was spending a lot of time chilling in the nesting boxes while we were preparing for the mite spray. So when we lifted her out and she just “stood there with a decided lean” we tried to gently usher her out the chicken door. And then the limp became harshly apparent.... looked her over. Saw no skin cut/scraped/burned/pecked/bleeding/et al. So for well over a week now she’s been comfy chilling in the crate. She has been actively getting up, limping over to the foot and water more often this week as the days progressed. However, the limp does not appear to of faded if at all.

so how should I search for threads with this odd stuff?
Do you have roosters? They can sometimes be too rough, or consistent and crack or break a hen's pelvis (or equivalent type bones). That can take some time to heal.
Hmmmm, wish they could talk and tell us. Have you felt leg? Joints? Any area warm/hot?
Have you tried limp in chicken? Sometimes the easiest search gives best results.
Sorry, my mind us blank. I'm sitting here, outside at 2 a.m. drinking coffee, smelling skunk.
where is he?
Daughter tested her and seems to think there might by inflammation in the hip area. No temperature difference at all. No issue in the foot & ankle either.
She has layer 3 eggs this week and appears more up & walking too but, still have a very obvious limp.
Anybody from Deep South? Im in Mission Tx and have 3 silkie cockerels to rehome along with 3 saphire gem pullets. They are 11 weeks old now. I don’t have social media so its been hard trying to rehome them :( never again will I buy so many chicks from the TS bin !


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