
For the Sahara? OR us?
Well… here’s the next several days. Mondays forecast has gotten stronger too….


Update on my flock.
Usually when I get chicks-want 5 buy 5, 3 die
Want 2 buy 3, 2 die.
Soooooooo July 15th,
I wanted 8 or 9, so I bought 12.
I managed to catch 4 of the wild/feral chickens. Something (stray dog) was eating well, both roosters had gone missing and flock of 7 hens down to 4. Skinny fast game chickens.
They have gotten fat, sassy, and still won't let near them. They lay smallish white eggs and love to hide em.
Soooo my original 3 + 12+ 4
I'm at 19. The babies should start laying around Christmas (14 weeks today). They're bigger than the ferals.....

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