
@electrycmonk - you are my silkie expert. Do you shave their butts?
Opps, not politically correct. Ahem.

Do your silkies get a bikini area shave?

This one has a collection piling up. Not pleasant.
Only on occasion of the “poopy butt bath” will there be a possible trimming of the feathers.

Never have we trimmed fathers for any other reasons.

Me a expert? Hardly Dude, I gained hard won lessons from massive deaths from wry neck….
I thought about a waxing. But this thing is thin skinned an I'm concerned about taking skin off. Best to be cautious.

Also, the real chicken hatch mates have all learned how to go into the coop. This leaves the sole silkie outside on the steps. I'm afraid it may be challenged. Gets to the step, but not inside. So close too. I'm concerned.
You up for a phone call Dude?
I offered phone call due to two fingers damaged in 2 different events yesterday….
I can offer cell # in PM.

Meanwhile…. I’m trying to multi-task…

Troubleshooting a breaker that spontaneously started to pop. It was fine for the 11+ years we have lived here. Yesterday I get home to the radio off & living room lights don’t work. Spent a few hours last night with no luck so far…. So, I killed the main breaker. Removed the specific breaker. Taped off the specific wires and restored all other breakers last night.

Plasma torch (finally experimenting with it on trailer light upgrade)


Mig welder (finally installing spare tire swing mounting *under gooseneck* for easier access)


Isolated zone mowing before rains hit

Prep a couple 3 point attachments for primer and painting. They are on deck behind the winch (mostly disassembled)
The chicken feed pan is being licked clean without the tell tale rat droppings. Dogs don't have access. Happening during the day, so possibly squirrels?

So while I'm in the chicken zen zone, out hops a small, possibly young rabbit. Chickens ignore the rabbit. Rabbit ignores me for the most part. May now know why the dogs are barking at the chickens.

I'm afraid I've got rabbits in the backyard. Didn't have the camera, otherwise I'd share a picture. The black-eyed susans are in full swing and rabbit has lots of hiding places and clover to munch.

The black-eyed susans are starting to flower, but still a lot of green in the yellow. Will be busting with yellow shortly.

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