
LOL She wa thanking me for answering her post on another Chicken Forum site. She was so excited about getting her new roo, she got her forums mixed up.

I wish she would have taken a roo from here. I could cull 5 or 6 easy.
lol.. that I was! My new gals were fighting like crazy and I asked if a roo would help.. LW said he thought a roo would help and within 5 mins after adding him, everyone was calm! (well a couple lil bickers but NOTHING like it had been!) I didn't know you had one LW!! We only traveled about an hour to get him. I DO need an Ameraucana at some point.. hint hint
Just can't until I get my breeding pens built or at least the run divided.
Hi Jim!  

I recently looked at the H&H feed, too.  I currently use Texas Naturals (my tag shows fish meal as well as peanuts), but the calcium is low.  Mine have free access to oyster shell but they don't seem to eat much of it. 

I couldn't read the H&H ingredients for layer pellets on the website.  Could you tell me what the calcium % is?  I think the chickens would like the mini-pellets, too. 

H&H feed is sold locally at several locations.

Calcium 4.5% min 5.0% max
:love your avatar :)
You have no idea how good your timing is!! I was just browsing the web looking for unusual chicken breeds when I came upon someone using my photo without permission! grrrr. Actually this is the original photo and they are all eggs my chickens laid (I'm still getting all of the colors except for the dark ((the BCM pullets won't lay until Nov)): (I need to figure out which hen is laying the green egg!) I have given people permission to use this photo before as long as they give me proper credit, but this particular site only gave credit to the online newspaper they took it from. To my surprise I emailed the site's coordinator and he immediately emailed me back with a "Done!" :D ...whatever, thief. More than you wanted to read, I know, but that was REALLY very nice of you. Thank you!
How rude of them :smack
What lay your pinkish eggs?

The one on the right is more light brown and its a austelorp or a black jersey giant. The one on the left was from an EE'r (I believe), and was more pinkish.

The dark one was either a welsummer or cuckoo maran. I still have a maran hen but she doesn't lay any longer.

I used to take a LOT of egg photos because they are so organically beautiful.
I have a pair of red jungle fowl that are going to start my free range flock and i am going to range a couple leghorns with them...hopefully i can get some good sized eggs out of some free range game crosses.

Will add some size to them down the line somewhere, havent decided s
How yet though

Oh great I know what is next on Sarges wish list.
Hi all, haven't been on BYC much, other than some reading. I am Jim, we are in Dickinson, Tx, near Galveston and Houston. We started about a year ago with the idea of a flock of 3 to 4 hens to supply us eggs. Well, we are a HUGE victim of chicken math. We now breed Seramas, Ameraucanas, Buff Orpingtons, Easter Eggers, Blue Orpingtons, Splash Orpingtons, Soon, Lavender Orpingtons and Olive Eggers, and have a mix of other birds in our flocks just for eggs. We have two incubators, one that we built, and after switching to a non soy, non GMO feed several months back (Texas natural) have switched to H and H Soy Free/non GMO, and we liked it so much, we are now a retailer of the feed out of our backyard (about an acre) farm! I really liked the idea that the protein comes from fish and animal sources, rather than peanuts! If you are in the area looking for any of the above, look me up, or find Jim's Roost over on FaceBook! See y'all around.

What is "H&H" feed? Can someone give me a web site address. Thanks.

Jajeanpierre, check out the "quote" from jhabaa1 above. He is selling it out of his backyard. Also here is their website:


Lisa :)
The one on the right is more light brown and its a austelorp or a black jersey giant. The one on the left was from an EE'r (I believe), and was more pinkish.

The dark one was either a welsummer or cuckoo maran. I still have a maran hen but she doesn't lay any longer.

I used to take a LOT of egg photos because they are so organically beautiful.
This makes me so excited for when all my chickies start laying! I will have green eggs from my Isbars and Blue eggs (hopefully of different shades if I am lucky) from my Ameraucana and Cream Legbars, and super dark eggs hopefully from my Partridge Penedesencas and Marans. I have the creamy brown eggs now from my RIW, Australorps, and GLW. And plain old white from my White Leghorns. I can't wait to have a more colorful basket!!
This makes me so excited for when all my chickies start laying! I will have green eggs from my Isbars and Blue eggs (hopefully of different shades if I am lucky) from my Ameraucana and Cream Legbars, and super dark eggs hopefully from my Partridge Penedesencas and Marans. I have the creamy brown eggs now from my RIW, Australorps, and GLW. And plain old white from my White Leghorns. I can't wait to have a more colorful basket!!
Oh oh oh you have isbars?? what color? I saw some yesterday and am so in love! Do you have pics? I looked at your album but didn't see any or maybe I missed them? not sure! SO beautiful!!!

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