
Laura - The lemon may burn your plants because of the acid. Some people even use a pickling vinegar to kill unwanted weeds.

EDIT: Look here: http://wellnessmama.com/2565/homemade-natural-bug-spray-recipes-that-work/ I think this may be for skin sprays.

Here is one for gardens: http://www.comfycountrycreations.com/bugspray.htm

I'm gonna take a look at these! From the information I got, it was a mixture of just crushed up lemon and lots of water. There wasn't any damage to the plants from what I understood. At the very least, I think I can use it around and between the beds. Mint is also such a good repellent that it may be all I need. There is a rare mint from Florida that is said to be the strongest repellent.

So...essentially, I'm making an unsweetened mojito for my plants. And if some white rum finds its way into the mix, well, my plants will be really, really happy.
About an hour ago, Mom started up a conversation about how she wanted coffee. Not just the normal coffee, but the sweet, caramel brulee latte she had from Starbucks yesterday (it was just a treat she was craving). Well, other than not wanting to go to Starbucks, I thought it would be easy to make something delicious and caramel-y at home.

So I did.

Here is the recipe.

Buttermilk Caramel Sauce

A beautiful morning out! The stars are really bright and it is 59 degrees!

Laura I think it is GREAT that you are spoiling your mom. Keep it up!!

Ya'll have a great day!

Lisa :)
I went shopping at a local antique store this afternoon. I went to pick up a $1 book to use for a craft project. $52 later I walked out the door. :/ Look at a couple of my finds! I found this book that had been in a school library. It was published in 1955 in Austin TX. It is about chick that eats too much and gets too fat, but some how ends up being the best looking rooster. I haven't read the whole thing..... I thought it was cute. Then I found this spice rack. :) It kind of sorta goes with a spoon rest that I have that is a chicken. It was my mom's and she gave it to me a few years ago. It had a matching spice rack that I wish we still had. I saw one in an antique store a number of years ago. I could kick myself for not buying it. Which is why I bought this one today. It was too cure to not pick up. I also picked up a copy of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories published in 1960 for my oldest son. He loves old books so I think he will really like this. It will be a little extra gift in is Christmas stocking.
Fun! Those are great finds! I love antique stores!
Good Morning everyone.
Thanks for your prayers, the hurricane headed north and did not hit my wife's home town. I went home late last night, tired now, and it's time to go to work again.

have a great day
Hi all! Been a while since I've been here really. My internet was down for a week and I sort of got into the habit of doing other things, like things I really should be doing rather than sit at the computer lol.

Life here about 10 miles north of Woodville in east Texas is great.

Anyway, I have a beautiful Buff Orpington rooster that needs a home. He is from breeder stock but is not a show bird nor should be used to breed them. But he is just beautiful and I can't bring myself to make dumplins with him. Not super tame but isn't people aggressive and should never be. His dad sure isn't. I can trust his dad around even the smallest toddler.

He is oh, so lonesome in that pen by himself and needs some girlies to call his own. He's 6 months old and hefty. PM me if you're interested in giving this boy a place.



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I'm down in League City Texas.
We r new to raising chickens but loving it!
Me and 2 buddies have 6 chickens 3 Sex Links & 3 RI Reds.
The Sex Links r the newest and they stay up in the roost while the reds stay on the ground.
I have been told that they will get mix & mingle once they figure out what the pecking order is.
But it's been a week almost 2 weeks and there still split up!
Any thoughts on this?

Have a Great Day!
Hi all! Been a while since I've been here really. My internet was down for a week and I sort of got into the habit of doing other things, like things I really should be doing rather than sit at the computer lol.

Life here about 10 miles north of Woodville in east Texas is great.

Anyway, I have a beautiful Buff Orpington rooster that needs a home. He is from breeder stock but is not a show bird nor should be used to breed them. But he is just beautiful and I can't bring myself to make dumplins with him. Not super tame but isn't people aggressive and should never be. His dad sure isn't. I can trust his dad around even the smallest toddler.

He is oh, so lonesome in that pen by himself and needs some girlies to call his own. He's 6 months old and hefty. PM me if you're interested in giving this boy a place. I'll edit this with his picture when I take one later.

I wish I could, but you're three hours from me!

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