
Good morning! I got out before the rain started and cleaned up some of the mess in the yard. It's trash day today and I needed to get it out.

It's a lovely 41* and raining now. BRRRRRRR!!!!!! Damp cold is the worst!

I am looking into Buckeye chickens. My Pet Chicken has them. My very best friend is from Ohio and went to OSU. No, not the one in OK. ;)

Tammy, I am not a mall shopper either. I hate shopping. I do enjoy online shopping and love the antique stores though. :)

I have a ton of stuff to do today and I still need to work. Not sure how I am going to get all this into my day.

Oh, my Navy soldier wrote me a letter! I don't usually get letters back but it is so nice when they do write. :)
I saw another craft y'all may like:


Canning rings.
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I just put my chicks in my basket on My Pet Chicken. The earliest date to get them is June 9th. That is actually a good date for me. I'm a bit apprehensive to continue and commit to buying them. I've been wavering again as to should I get them or not. Then I see the photos of the chickens and the eggs and want them. I guess my biggest fear is making the coop and run for them. I can't do it myself (lack of skill there and tools).

I decided against the Delaware and am getting the Buckeye instead. lol! I just said getting. I guess I should decide on these soon. They are selling out of some of the birds they sell. I could do a road trip to Ideal. They aren't that far away from here and I might save money....
I just put my chicks in my basket on My Pet Chicken. The earliest date to get them is June 9th. That is actually a good date for me. I'm a bit apprehensive to continue and commit to buying them. I've been wavering again as to should I get them or not. Then I see the photos of the chickens and the eggs and want them. I guess my biggest fear is making the coop and run for them. I can't do it myself (lack of skill there and tools). I decided against the Delaware and am getting the Buckeye instead. lol! I just said getting. I guess I should decide on these soon. They are selling out of some of the birds they sell. I could do a road trip to Ideal. They aren't that far away from here and I might save money....
yup, a trip to Ideal is only like 2 hours for me, and if you do it that way you are not stuck with the minimum order of 25 needed for shipping. i just plan on going and getting a couple of the 2 or 3 breeds i had the most fun with over the last year. thinking some buckeyes, barred rocks, and possibly a BO or 2.
Here is a suggestion, if you haven't already thought of it.....only get a few chickens, find a premade coop at a feed store or craigslist, then put it inside a 10x10 dog run with shade cloth on top. We found a 10x10 kennel for $85 on Craigslist.

No building or fencing skills needed! :)

The best part is that you can move it around when the area gets to bare.
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i agree! chicken math can get to you in a hurry....better to start small until you know what you are dealing with. i unfortunately learned the hard way....spent oodles of time making my area safe from coons, hawks, coyotes then low and behold....it was my MIL's boston terrier that knocked my flock from about 25 to 1. hard pill to swallow knowing that i cant string that dog up in a tree....
it was my MIL's boston terrier that knocked my flock from about 25 to 1. hard pill to swallow knowing that i cant string that dog up in a tree....
Welcome back.
I am sorry but that would really piss me off, you need a chainlink fence around the bird yard. My basset hounds will kill my birds so we have different yards for the birds and dogs. Lots of chainlink at this place and make sure you put a bottom rail along the bottom of the fence to keep a dog from pushing the fence.

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