
I let my 4 yr old granddaughter hold our all the time. She would hold them, and I kept my hand around hers to keep the chicks from jumping out. She loves to go out there with the chicks. She picks grass/leaves for them and sticks them through the wire. They run up to the fence for treats when they see her coming.

Yeah!!!! More chicks!!! :cd

Tonight I'm letting my babies put themselves to bed. I usually go out every evening to put them back in the brooder. I'll say "C'mon babies, it's bedtime. Time to go to bed." Here they come all in a row up the ramp. Then I usually shut the brooder door. Tonight I'm leaving it open and see if they all get up there by themselves.

In the summer time I would put ice in my Corgi's water bowl to help keep him cool. He would take out every piece of ice and lay them on the floor. Then he would eat it. I liked ice, just not in his water.

Cleaned out the shavings in the brooder today and put in fresh. I finally got my boards up in front of the nests to keep the babies from roosting there. I had a couple of them eyeing them over the weekend, so thought I better get it done asap. 

Give the chicks half a head of cabbage today. You would think I was trying to poison them. They thought it was some monster in their treat bowl the way they carried on. I checked back around lunch, and someone had been nibbling on it. By this afternoon, it was all gone but a couple of leaves. 

On an unhappy note, got a letter from my Dr. this week. Seems he is/has resigned and I'll have to look for a new Dr. :hit   I so dread doing that. It took me forever to find him. 

I watched Hobbit 2 last night. Really good show (if you like that kind of stuff). I was not happy with the ending, but it was a cliffhanger! LOL

I'm totally sorry about the loss of your dr. It is so hard to find a good dr.

Well I went back to Atwoods today and one more time the wife picked up more chickens. The only good part is they are the same breed as she got the last time we was there. She got 2 more Golden Sebright Bantam so that makes 4 of those and 2 I still not sure what they are. Guess I will figure them out when they get older. I keep telling her that I want to buy from a breeder or hatchery so I know what I am getting. Atwoods and TSC are on the other side of town so at least she does not drive by them everyday lol. The bad news I guess it's bad is they are building another TSC just 8 miles away here in Tyler. Right on her way home from work. Did not know Tyler was big enough for 2 TSC.
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I was quite upset...i still am...they were only 6 weeks old but they were a pary of the family...all had great personalities! Thats why i need more asap to have life booming in my coop
On an unhappy note, got a letter from my Dr. this week. Seems he is/has resigned and I'll have to look for a new Dr.
I so dread doing that. It took me forever to find him.

I watched Hobbit 2 last night. Really good show (if you like that kind of stuff). I was not happy with the ending, but it was a cliffhanger! LOL
What a bummer about finding a new doctor. My doctor retired at the beginning of last year due to you-know-who-in-the-WH.

I DON'T like cliffhangers, but I bought the movie today.

Help! I just lost my whole flock last night to god knows what! does anyone know where i can get more hens in my area?(brenham)
I am so sorry for your loss. That is not easy to get over. I hope you find you some more chicks soon!

Lisa :)
I guess we have been lucky so far. DH has killed 3 'possums and a raccoon just in the last couple of months. I think we have another raccoon though. I think it prefers the cat food I put out for our outside cats. I saw muddy paw prints in the bowl this morning. Our coop is still covered with the winter plastic so I'm concerned about what will happen when we uncover it. Have only chicken wire top to bottom, but going to put fence pickets on the bottom half and down into the ground some. At least two of the walls are solid wood, one is the barn wall so going to make it difficult for them to get in.
DH will be hunting tonight I have no doubt. I have a vendetta with the local raccoons...they ate all my watermelons last year.
Turkeys seem to like it a little warmer then chickens do. I also found that if you cover the top of the brooder they seem to like it better. Think they do not feel safe with the top all open. And yes I had to leave the tv on all nite on Fox News for real. If I did not they would make so much noise and wake everyone up until someone turn it back on. They are now going on 6 weeks old they weigh almost 2 1/2 pounds. I will move them to an outside coop this weekend. It did seem to help them stay quit when I got the 6 EE in a Brooder beside the turkeys.i am hoping to move them all outside this weekend. I am dividing the coop up for them so they are not in the same area.

They do seem to like it warm which is hard to adjust to because my chicks always seem to like things cooler than normal. I tried TSC but they were out of chicks already. They always sell out so fast, I can't believe so many people around here have chickens!

I don't know what in the world I'm going to do with them if they have to stay inside for 6 weeks...I've also noticed they still aren't eating. I've ready they will starve themselves. I'm pretty sure they were hatched yesterday since they are from Privett and it only takes a day for their orders to get here. Hopefully tomorrow they will get their appetites.

They are also evil...they keep pecking at each other...
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