
Yeah, I had to fix my post. The leghorn should increase egg laying not size. I have heard that Cornish birds have the best feed conversion, so they might be a choice later for better growth, still looking into it. How big do your BCM's get? They too could be a choice for size. I just want a good all around dual purpose flock for myself. I am not breeding for looks or to create a new breed of chicken. I do like how the BO and BA chickens look fat at full growth, that combined with their broodiness means I'll probably keep adding those to my flock. My SLW Roos have nicely developed chests, if they weren't so mean to my pullets I'd probably keep 1 for breeding. But disposition is important, I have to be able to handle the birds without fear of getting attacked by a psychotic Roo, and don't want hens injured either. Guess I will play around with breeds in my flock and see what I get. It could be fun, or it could drive me insane. Lol.

I think Barred Rocks (Plymouth Rocks) could be good for your plans. Old breed of chicken, good layers. I think I posted a vintage photo on that thread several months ago, let's see.....here it is. There are a few ducks in there too, but look at what appears to be a hen to the left of the photo...HUGE.

Size has been bred down by volume producers. You may be able to find someone with large birds on that thread and next Spring slip some eggs under a broody!
I think Barred Rocks (Plymouth Rocks) could be good for your plans. Old breed of chicken, good layers. I think I posted a vintage photo on that thread several months ago, let's see.....here it is. There are a few ducks in there too, but look at what appears to be a hen to the left of the photo...HUGE. Size has been bred down by volume producers. You may be able to find someone with large birds on that thread and next Spring slip some eggs under a broody!
Wow that is a huge hen. I think I will look into the BR breed. Getting some big hens like that would definately increase my flock's size. Thanks for the tip!
I have been giving fermented feed for a couple days now. And I have had to move fermenting operations to a big cooler chest to make enough for my flock. At first only half the chickens ate it, now 4 geese and All 31 chickens coming running when they see the pizza pan I am using as a feeder dish in my hands! I think I need more feeding dishes, cause its like crack for my flock. Even the newly introduced Roo comes running for it already, after only 1 day here with us, he knows what the pizza pan means. Lol. I still don't have the exact amount down right yet, not with more birds digging in every day. But I will get there soon.

Since starting the fermented feed, my feed bags aren't disappearing as fast as they were dry feeding. And there is a LOT less waste and flies too. So far I am a fermented feeds fan.
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Mine get to the styrofoam insulation in their coop on occasion, it was part of the building already. We thought we had it cut high enough, but they jump up. We forgot to cut it on the door and when we changed out nesting arrangements we accidentally gave them access to a different area...anyways...we haven't had any noticeable health issues over the past year. I was a little concerned at first, honestly more for our health and what may or may not be in their eggs, toxin wise, from the material they consumed. Since it was a fluke, I wouldn't stress it. You will be surprised by what you find if you do a search on it...chickens seem to love the stuff....

Thanks! I went and read about it after I posted and felt a lot better.

I found a lady to take my Silkie roo! I'll miss him, sweet dopey little guy. Not aggressive at all! But rules are rules :/ and I wouldnt be able to afford a fine lol.
Plus that makes room for more ladies, right??
He leaves tomorrow.
My silkie pullet is SOO attached to him. We'll see how she does
Howard wouldn't have lived that long had he stayed here. My sister and brother in law came to drop off my new rooster while my hubby and I were soaking Ebony and discussing the hatched for Howard. My sister loves the crested look, my brother in law liked Howard look. So they pretty much brought Howard the time he needs. This guy and I were hashing things out. He mainly wanted the crested, not Howard. At my sister's, my brother in law likes Howard and my sister likes Loudmouth, so each has a champion. And, if they dont work out there, I get the ducks back. It is the agreement we made.

Sounds good. You had mentioned, once, that you might send a pair to your sister...Hopefully he does better than that he has at your place.
I have been giving fermented feed for a couple days now. And I have had to move fermenting operations to a big cooler chest to make enough for my flock. At first only half the chickens ate it, now 4 geese and All 31 chickens coming running when they see the pizza pan I am using as a feeder dish in my hands! I think I need more feeding dishes, cause its like crack for my flock. Even the newly introduced Roo comes running for it already, after only 1 day here with us, he knows what the pizza pan means. Lol. I still don't have the exact amount down right yet, not with more birds digging in every day. But I will get there soon.

Since starting the fermented feed, my feed bags aren't disappearing as fast as they were dry feeding. And there is a LOT less waste and flies too. So far I am a fermented feeds fan.
How do you ferment your feed? I might want to give it a shot.
Sounds good.  You had mentioned, once, that you might send a pair to your sister...Hopefully he does better than that he has at your place.

Yeah, but even though I thought about sending a pair to my sister I was hesitant. They take great care or their animals, but my brother in law gets tired of them after a year or so and ends up trading them for something else, unless its his chickens, that man loves his chickens, lol. My sister gets attached and bonded though. If she likes Loudmouth enough, and after the way Loudmouth went after their bulling hen that was beating up the pair of goslings I gave them, she will talk him into keeping them. So it all depends on my sister. If they deicde that the ducks aren't working out though, I get them both back. I made sure they both understood and agreed to this before they took Howard and Loudmouth. Things are looking good though, my sister loves Loudmouth, is very happy that the bullying hen has been knocked down a peg, and hopes the geese and ducks stick together. So let's keep :fl that my sister falls in love and keeps them for good.
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Y'all gotta go to yahoo news tabs or search for it and watch the video called "Are you my mother?" It's a story about a cat that raised baby ducks! It will melt your heart and is truly amazing. Nature is fascinating!
And aHappy Mother's Day to all you moms out there...
How do you ferment your feed?  I might want to give it a shot.

Sorry, had to help hang a rain flap over the vent of the chicken coop. Storms coming tomorrow and Tuesday.
I just started fermenting, so I am not fully there yet. I gave it a trail run by de-chlorinating water over night in a couple buckets. The chlorine evaporates off. I then got their regular feed, flock raiser, some whole oat and wheat seeds that I sprout as fodder for my geese and soaked it all, stirring at least 3 times a day for 4/5 days. It smells a bit sour but not spoiled, think yogurt smell. Then I got a slotted spoon and served my flock. The chickens went nuts. Now I feed my flock from the large cooler chest, and replace what I took during the day, let it stew over night and repeat. The feed must be completely covered by the water, and the feed swells during the fermenting process, so you do have to add water from time to time. And it must be done in a closed container, too much oxygen is not good for fermenting. I plan on adding some flax seed to my mix as soon as I get my hands on some. Also looking at other additives like kelp meal, some fresh herbs in my garden and such to improve the health benefits for my flock.

After feeding for only a couple days I can already see how much less dry feed I am putting in their feeders. Considering my chickens are all growing, yet there is a noticeable difference, as in less, feed usage I am amazed. Plus a lot less flies hanging around as well.
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Yeah, but even though I thought about sending a pair to my sister I was hesitant. They take great care or their animals, but my brother in law gets tired of them after a year or so and ends up trading them for something else, unless its his chickens, that man loves his chickens, lol. My sister gets attached and bonded though. If she likes Loudmouth enough, and after the way Loudmouth went after their bulling hen that was beating up the pair of goslings I gave them, she will talk him into keeping them. So it all depends on my sister. If they deicde that the ducks aren't working out though, I get them both back. I made sure they both understood and agreed to this before they took Howard and Loudmouth. Things are looking good though, my sister loves Loudmouth, is very happy that the bullying hen has been knocked down a peg, and hopes the geese and ducks stick together. So let's keep
that my sister falls in love and keeps them for good.
Sending good vibes their way.

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