
Yeah that would be a long drive for a few ducks.

I have to say I've done a lot of research over the last six months and I've gotten more and better information off this page than all others. Alot of very smart people on this page.

Good luck in your search.

This is Barbarella...

...and this is her 1st egg (the freckled one).
Sorry I have been missing-in-action, lately. Life tends to distract me from my computer. No worries, though...all is well with me and mine. The Ladies & The Girls are thriving, and now both of our French Black Marans (Bootsy & Barbarella) have begun laying their lovely brown eggs! WooHoo! Looking forward to when the Three Peepers are old enough to give us whatever color eggs they will lay (maybe olive, maybe brown...we won't know until they lay their 1st eggs). Hope all is well with everyone else. I will attempt to go back and read all I have missed when I have the time.

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