
The bus for the impending zombie apocalypse.
Central Texas had quite the storm last night. We had hail, heavy rain, winds up to 75 mph and an impressive light show. My property went mostly unscathed except for a few downed branches. The same can't be said for many in my area though. Lots of property damage and many are still without power 12-16 hrs later, including my elderly father. Hope all my fellow peeper keepers fared well though it. 
how's your father?
So sorry to read this.  I hope the others are ok.  Are these chocolates?

I discarded 2 DIS on day 32 and I'm afraid the remaining 3 are also DIS.  No internal pips.  Today is day 35:(

Some are dying more. Our ducks eggs are so tough that you can throw them across the yard n it not get the slightest Crack until it hits the wall. . They are blue, black, lilac, and chocolates
Therry are you humidifying your hatching eggs? Without the proper humidity levels the developing bird dries out inside the shell.

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