
Ha - I would assume mud, but then I know nothing of raising ducks, other than they're so stinking cute!

7 eggs pipped! This is both the most exciting time and the most frustrating. Yay, they're starting. Boo, they're taking too long! ;)

It's always pins-and-needles until they all seem to hatch - I know just what you are feeling. Good luck with your chicks.
7 chicks when I got up this morning, all but one still wet. :) Called home a few minutes ago and Dad says there are 11 moving around now. He can't tell if any more eggs have pipped yet, so I'll have to check that when I get home. How long should I give these eggs to hatch before I give up on them?
hahah My husband has 2 more places figured out for 2 more coops, and is planning on building another area for them, so we can add ducks, or other birds.

My daughter wanted peacocks, and you should have seen his face. He told her we should find someone who has a flock of peacocks for her to go meet, to make sure she actually likes them... then he leaned over and whispered to me, telling me to ask if peacock males are mean since they can get really big. LOL
7 chicks when I got up this morning, all but one still wet. :) Called home a few minutes ago and Dad says there are 11 moving around now. He can't tell if any more eggs have pipped yet, so I'll have to check that when I get home. How long should I give these eggs to hatch before I give up on them?
I had 2 eggs, that looked like they'd hatch. I gave mine 3-4 extra days, and took the first baby out after a few hours once she was mostly dry.

I'd give them a couple more days, then toss them.

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