Théo and the chickens des Sauches

Only Lulu isn't laying now, and I was very surprised to see Gaston chasing her away from the food. It is the first time ever I see him doing that, pecking a hen off with no apparent reason. It has me wondering if she isn't actually sick, or has an issue, since I've been finding her a bit under active ? Could it be due to the fact that she is the only one of the pullets not laying ?
when I've seen this it's been with a hen that isn't laying and/or won't mate with the roo in question.
when I've seen this it's been with a hen that isn't laying and/or won't mate with the roo in question.
So it could be either case or both. I watched Lulu today, and I didn't see Gaston pecking her again but she seemed to stay clear of his path. She didn't join the group that went out with him in the garden for most of the day but she did go with them about an hour before roosting. She’s probably just being left out because not laying. I have never seen Gaston try to mate her ; he only mated any of the other pullets when they were close to laying.
It was really warm today, 10 this morning and up to 20 with a beautiful sunshine during the day, and no wind ! The temperature really makes a difference in how fast the chickens come out of the coop in the morning. Event the hard molters were quickly out !
I was surprised to see zoomies between Mélisse, Lulu, Merle and Lilly. I wonder if it's due to Pied-Beau’s departure. Lilly has to find a place back in the flock ; it's also the case for Merle as before she went broody, she had been hanging out with Théo for about a month I think.

On a much less pleasant note, I also saw Kara pecking Blanche and Blanche acting utterly terrified. That is very much unlike her. She has always been really mean to all the new girls. I just hope she can have a relatively peaceful ending. I tried to give her eggs and mackerel today but she only took a bite or two and didn't want more. She has become very light because she eats so little, which is sad when I think of how quickly she gobbled all the special food we made her some months ago.

Lilly on the other end seems to have perked up a bit, and I’m pretty much reassured that nothing is wrong with Lulu health-wise.

Good morning.




What do you mean, I can't eat your lunch on the table ?

Merle finally came out in the garden today and looked a bit more like her usual self.

Alba, Nieva and Kara are left without a rooster now Gaston stays outside with all the others. My partner keeps trying to bring them all back in the chicken yard, but they all manage to get out again.

Alba and Cannelle.

Chipie and Blanche.


At one point Théo got tired of waiting for Piou-piou who was hanging out in Gaston. He went back in the chicken yard and flirted with the leghorns a bit.


I went running higher and longer in the mountains than I had been for a while. The larches are turning orange and it was beautiful. The snow has completely melted.
what are zoomies?
Stunning scenery you get to enjoy on your runs :love - and in your garden!
I was afraid for a moment I had gone inventing a new word again.
But no, it's a real word :wee!

I was thinking about that thing chicks or young ones do, when they suddenly run toward one another, or one after the other, stop short, start again, and on and on !
Cats are very prone to the zoomies.
Blossom has frequent attacks of the zoomies. Twice daily as a matter of habit, and again after her bowel movement 🤭

The preferred running track is from the wood shed to the living room window sill, with side tracks around the bedrooms.
Blossom has frequent attacks of the zoomies. Twice daily as a matter of habit, and again after her bowel movement 🤭

The preferred running track is from the wood shed to the living room window sill, with side tracks around the bedrooms.
One of mine sounds like a herd of elephants when she gallops around the upstairs hallway. One of mine used to include climbing the curtains in her zoomies - fortunately she has calmed down a bit with age.
I was afraid for a moment I had gone inventing a new word again.
But no, it's a real word :wee!
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I was thinking about that thing chicks or young ones do, when they suddenly run toward one another, or one after the other, stop short, start again, and on and on !
well that's a new one for me! I'm gonna guess it's got quite a short etymological history... but it's definitely a word I'll absorb into my lexicon, it's such a fun one!

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