Thank u Lord!! Finally some RAIN!!! East Texas is getting Rain !!!!

The heavens opened up about 0245 this morning. My husband and I sat on the back porch breathing in the wonderful scent of pure rain until about 0500, then had to go to work. The chickens were even babbling on their perches. They have never seen rain in their 16 weeks of life.

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We got real rain, at least an inch, probably more. The thunder was so loud that it shook the house, but I think it rained for several hours during the night. My yard already looks better!
We waited all evening yesterday and watched the radar. Most of the storm split and went around both sides of our town. The radar showed green but we had nothing. Then last night probably around 1 we got a good rain. Not enough of course but at least the ground supply will get some replenishing.

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