Thankful For You

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Thank you so much @TheChiggens, I'm very thankful for you too. Actually, I'm thankful for so many people on here that I'm afraid I'll miss someone. I have made so many mistakes along the way, but this group has helped me through it all. I'm especially thankful for @TwoCrows, who always has a word of encouragement, @Ridgerunner, who gives such thoughtful and thorough advice, @aart whose coop ideas I'm stealing, (ummm...borrowing), and just so many more because they so freely share their expertise and wisdom. Love me some BYC! :love I know I'm missing someone very important, who means a lot to me. :oops:

Thank you Valerie!! :hugs :)
im thankful for byc and those that step up to the plate to help the needed however they can . lots of them know more than the vets which 90 percent dont know a dang thing about chickens talking about the vets . im still learning my way around but i see caring folks who are helping others save lives . im hooked on byc and all the wonderful giving people who throw in a helpful hand . im indeed grateful to all .
I've been a BYCER for over 10 years, so I have met and made friends probably with more folks that the newer shorter termed ones. Way too many to mention. But when I first joined Sourland and Alaskan were my anchors, as well as Sumi and Two Crows & Nifty.

Some friends moved and some were just temporary I guess. There is one that was my best friend and mentor, and laugh maker, who grew towards different fulfillment. I will always regard as a best friend - come what may. Asi es la vida!
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