Thankful For You

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:goodpost: All y'all, everyone who IS the BYC community, is special and important to me. My chickens have benefitted from your wisdom, knowledge and experience, although they do not know it. I enjoy your company almost daily. You "get me out of the house" and into a wider world than just these four walls. Through you, I can connect with people all over the world with a similar interest: the care and feeding of these little guys in feathers. Because of you, I'm not lonely. Because of you, someone hears me. I can laugh and learn and cry. You're my world, and I love you all. Thanks. And blessings to y'all! :hugs
Perfectly said! Thank YOU
It's so hard to pick! I'm super duper thankful for @CHlCKEN and @Alyssa-Bee for always giving me a fun time when I come online, @OneHappyRooster , @TheOddOneOut , and @Overo Mare for our amazing cochin vs. orp war (cochins rule!!!) and all of their wonderful help on the breed and gender threads, @NatJ , @Eggcessive , and @ChickenCanoe for all of their helping and educating, and so many more folks, but I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to list half the members on BYC. I'm thankful for our whole BYC community for helping me in my chicken keeping journey and being such a wonderful place.
BYC has been such an amazing place and has been so helpful. I am thankful to @black_cat and @OneHappyRooster to being my best BYC friends. @Overo Mare and @NatJ have been extremely helpful to me. You both know so much and have helped me and everybody in the BYC community so much. @Kiki is always there to make everybody laugh and I’m thankful to @Nifty-Chicken to all the hard work he’s put in here.
I want to shout out @ChocolateMouse , I truly appreciate the intelligent and alternative approach you bring to just about every post I see from you. You encourage people to think logically but radically and well...I dig that. You are a jack/jill of all trades and I value your presence in this space we all share. Keep being you...cause you're crushing it! :bun

Super thankful to this community in general. And so are my birds.

Love this thread. Gratitude never goes out of style!!
I want to shout out @ChocolateMouse , I truly appreciate the intelligent and alternative approach you bring to just about every post I see from you. You encourage people to think logically but radically and well...I dig that. You are a jack/jill of all trades and I value your presence in this space we all share. Keep being you...cause you're crushing it! :bun

Super thankful to this community in general. And so are my birds.

Love this thread. Gratitude never goes out of style!!

Awww! <3 Thanks so much! That was super sweet of you to say. :)

I wanna call out @IamRainey for being very solid and reliable in the COVID-19 thread as we all go through tough times, and @MROO for being compassionate and upbeat. Most of that thread has been a reliable part of my pandemic and you guys are a big part of that. :)
You just made my entire day :love
It's so hard to pick! I'm super duper thankful for @CHlCKEN and @Alyssa-Bee for always giving me a fun time when I come online, @OneHappyRooster , @TheOddOneOut , and @Overo Mare for our amazing cochin vs. orp war (cochins rule!!!) and all of their wonderful help on the breed and gender threads, @NatJ , @Eggcessive , and @ChickenCanoe for all of their helping and educating, and so many more folks, but I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to list half the members on BYC. I'm thankful for our whole BYC community for helping me in my chicken keeping journey and being such a wonderful place.
Me to! :love
I was JUST thinking about this thread. @aart has really guided me again at times this year to a deeper understanding of my animal husbandry and supported me personally as well. So thankful for that part of *community* that BYC puts forth!

On another note I am SO thankful for @casportpony OH MY I had no idea what kinds of hard work she puts into this place. We are all so, so, so, so lucky.

Im also grateful for the friendship of @SnapdragonQ and @CluckNDoodle.
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