Thanksgiving Hatchalong

Congrats on your new Marans babies :)

Wow what strange birth defects that poor little Araucana had! Its amazing that it hatched with the facial deformities! Sorry you had to go through culling that one :-(

Sorry if I may have missed them earlier, but did you post pics of your Marans? I just hatched those too- love 'em :)
Yeah, it hatched out by itself, no assist whatsoever. So obviously the drive to hatch was just fine. It was just... weird. Even m husband said that he couldn't understand why it hatched out so nice but was so deformed LOL
Well, I've got 13 "buff Orpingtons that hatched over the last 24 hours. Anyone wanna play guess that breed because the are NOT buff Orpingtons(well, 2 are).



Do any Orpingtons have feathered legs? All of the chicks except the two yellow ones have feathered legs.

Nope Orps of all colors are clean legged. The eggs are pretty light too (not looking like a typical Marans egg). They might be Buff Brahma chicks. There are some darker ones like that in one of my poultry catalogs. They definitely look like they're going to be very pretty birds though :) Hope you will be able to post some pics as they grow over the next few weeks, maybe their feathering will give us a better idea then.

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