The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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I want to say this kindly and not judge in doing so, but can I ask why some of you think it isn’t real? I’m genuinely curious to see your side of this and understand why you think so.
I don’t necessarily think COVID itself is fake. More so that it’s not really a “pandemic”.
Here's an excellent article about how the Pfizer mRNA vaccine works. The Moderna vaccine is quite similar. The way it works is really neat and knowing what the vaccine is and how it functions eliminated any uncertainty I had about what was going to be put in my body.

And here is a very brief overview I made of mRNA vaccines:
The reason that my family is getting it is less concern for ourselves, but worry that we could inadvertently spread COVID-19 and be responsible for the death of somebody else. I also have trust in the health system- I don't believe that something would be allowed to be distributed as medicine to millions of people (esp. from private companies!) if it wasn't safe.
That’s the same reason I’m getting it. I want to protect others.
The reason that my family is getting it is less concern for ourselves, but worry that we could inadvertently spread COVID-19 and be responsible for the death of somebody else. I also have trust in the health system- I don't believe that something would be allowed to be distributed as medicine to millions of people (esp. from private companies!) if it wasn't safe.
That does make sense. I appreciate you sharing your perspective.
One real possible side effect of not getting the shot is getting COVID yourself, or worse, unknowingly passing it on to someone else. I have a good friend who lost three family members to COVID in a matter of weeks. These people did not live together. Two were old and fragile, but the third was a robust construction worker in his forties. He came down with COVID and two weeks later he was dead. He left a wife and two little girls.
Then I die. I wear my mask, I wash my hands and wear gloves when handling food for The public. I do my job to take care of my risk of catching it. I have heard of problems with the animals that received the test trials and do not want to have those same problems.
Reasons I would like to be vaccinated

1. I won't get covid!
2. I will protect my family most importantly, but everybody around me.
3. The more people who get it, the closer we get to opening back up
4. I've gotten vaccines before, while the covid vaccine isn't as tested of course, I've done it before, I'll do it again
5. The side effects aren't as bad as dying or giving it to somebody else and then they die ;)
6. As BC said, I have no fear of it hurting me, as the CDC has done a wonderful job and I cannot imagine them giving us harmful vaccinations.
I want to say this kindly and not judge in doing so, but can I ask why some of you think it isn’t real? I’m genuinely curious to see your side of this and understand why you think so.
I don't deny that it's real, but I don't think that COVID-19 warrants precautions that seem more suited to controlling an Ebola outbreak. It's killed people, yes, but it isn't killing one in every twenty people or anything like that.
As for the death count, one must also remember that the USA was -- for a time, at least -- counting many deaths that occurred in people who tested positive as COVID-19 deaths. Car crashes, accidents, utterly unrelated causes of death -- all counted as COVID-19 deaths because the victim tested positive.
Not trying to minimize or brush off the horrible losses of loved ones that some people have had to deal with -- I feel awful for you, and I pray that you are comforted -- but I think that COVID-19 has been blown rather out of proportion.

If you want to take the vaccine, fine -- take it. It's your right to take the vaccine if you want, but I like to believe that I have a right to refuse the vaccine on accounts of: it having not been tested for very long compared to other vaccines; having had a sibling made sick, exhausted, and generally miserable for something around a week after the second shot; and, in some vaccines, moral and religious opinions.
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