The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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So I get the irony with my name, trust me, but I have a serious phobia of doctors. Like a real phobia. I still went and got it because I feel it's my duty. That's no real excuse. I'm guessing you were joking and it was funny but I just figured I'd put that out there as well.
Gotta stop here and acknowledge— that’s some REAL courage. :hugs You are awesome!
No high cycle PCR either.

Beware of getting your covid information from social media.

In response to the claim in Samadi’s tweet that “the current cycle was much too high and resulting in any particle being declared a positive case”, Mackay said: “Apart from being completely wrong, this comment acts as excellent indicator of a person with no understanding of PCR, the design of PCR tests or of the high-throughout use of PCR processes to test human samples in a quality pathology laboratory setting.” He called the comment “bizarre” and scorned at how it was being used by adversaries of the PCR tests.

Beware of getting your covid information from social media.

In response to the claim in Samadi’s tweet that “the current cycle was much too high and resulting in any particle being declared a positive case”, Mackay said: “Apart from being completely wrong, this comment acts as excellent indicator of a person with no understanding of PCR, the design of PCR tests or of the high-throughout use of PCR processes to test human samples in a quality pathology laboratory setting.” He called the comment “bizarre” and scorned at how it was being used by adversaries of the PCR tests.

Then why will the CDC not (any longer) count an infection on a vaccinated person over 28 cycles?
Had COVID in November, was like bronchitis except I lost taste and smell (by far, the most annoying side effects). Still have significant natural immunity (I get titer tests monthly) so I’m sticking with my body’s immune system.

91 year old grandma had it - body aches. 12 year old stepson - one day fever. Fiancee - cold symptoms, loss of smell. 65 year old MIL - bronchitis (similar to my symptoms). 40 year old BIL - same - bronchitis symptoms. All of us were generally healthy - out of the bunch I‘m by far the healthiest from an ongoing lifestyle POV (not bragging, have always been health conscious). I also have asthma. It hit me the hardest but I still only took two days off work (I have a WFH office job).
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