The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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I remember a quote from way back "there are no atheists in fox holes." My adult son doesn't believe in G-d. I just told him "someday you will want G-d in your life." He also didn't believe in getting shots for anything. Funny he told me he likes the science behind the covid shot so he and his wife to be both got them. :wee
I guess I am just used to getting vaccinated. I remember being hysterical (afraid of shots) when I was young- the school sent home a notice of polo vaccinations and I thought my mother hated me because she signed the release).

The second vaccination ended up being a few drops on a sugar cube - I didn't trust that to be the truth but, it was.

A girlfriend in grammar school had a father in a wheel chair that had polio. She also had a care giver/housekeeper living there. Her mother had to go to work to support the family.
I thought she was lucky because her mother let her have a German Shepherd to protect her/family. My mother refused to let me have a dog.
I remember a quote from way back "there are no atheists in fox holes." My adult son doesn't believe in G-d. I just told him "someday you will want G-d in your life." He also didn't believe in getting shots for anything. Funny he told me he likes the science behind the covid shot so he and his wife to be both got them. :wee
What’s gd?
What’s gd?
The Deity, for people who think His name is too holy to be spoken or written.

I was on page 38 last time I was here. Yesterday? The day before? Y'all are a chatty bunch, lol- I just came on to say my 14-yo Kid got his first vacc today, :celebrate .

He got the Pfizer. You have to be 18 to get the Moderna.
I've had both covid shots and asked if there might be a yearly booster. They didn't know . I had the Moderna vaccine.
I was told that the second shot gave quite a wallop. I expected it but, didn't get one. My arm was a bit sore but, once I determined how it wanted me to treat it at bedtime, it didn't cause any problem for me. Oddly my right arm (that never gets shots, was pretending(?) to be sore.

I also get a yearly flu shot(can't recall the last time I had the flu)- got it mainly in hopes of preventing my elderly parents from catching it from me. But, they got the flu shots too! They both passed away several years ago.

Also have received the enhanced pneumonia shot for old folks(get my shots at Target pharmacy). My pharmacist and I know each other since the 1990's- I take what he recommends. Got the Shingrix (if I spelled that right?), tetanus booster when due, etc.
I used to be scared too death of shots and then got over it and actually look forward to the attention - living alone can do that do you/me anyway!. Plus Target gives a $ 5. gift card to use in store with vaccinations. Well at least my Target does.
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The Deity, for people who think His name is too holy to be spoken or written.

I was on page 38 last time I was here. Yesterday? The day before? Y'all are a chatty bunch, lol- I just came on to say my 14-yo Kid got his first vacc today, :celebrate .

He got the Pfizer. You have to be 18 to get the Moderna.
Congratulations to your 14 year old :celebrate
We are very chatty/argumentative.
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People die every minute of every day.
One thing has nothing to do with the other. This is not the flu. Not getting vaccinated is selfish and entitled. This has nothing to do with big pharma, it has everything to do with being a decent human and putting the elderly and frail ahead of oneself.
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