The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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So this is my thoughts on covid.
1. It's real.
2. The government and media turned it into a political project.
3. There are multiple strains of it and it's existed before 2019.
4. There are people that have died from covid with pre-existing illnesses that were the main reason for their deaths,covid just pushed them over their bodies limitations.
5. I went to get tested for it, got tired of waiting so left the clinic. Got a call 4 hours later telling me I was positive even though I never even tested for it. I literally submitted my insurance info and filled out my health history and sat in a waiting room. 4 of my coworkers had the same thing happen to them at other doctor offices. Explain that. That turned into a number of someone infected even though I never even tested.
6. I don't think there is enough research in ~10 months to have a vaccine for anything.
These are basically my thoughts as well.
Idk about the vaccine. I'd like to believe someone cut through a lot of red tape to get it done so fast and that is the reason it's became available quickly. But only time will tell.
And any other judgement is an assumption, and all know what 'ass u me' amounts to. Me, I'm vaccinated and will continue to wear a mask for a variety of reasons.
Maybe so but I think it's a pretty fair assumption. I don't mind people knowing I am an ass. Helps me maintainin my social distancing practices. 😝
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