The 4th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long

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Oh my goodness!!!
I can't believe we won! Wow! Thank you everyone! And Congratulations to johnnyg07 on the second prize photo! I really loved your symmetrical arrangement with the little quail eggs in between!

I say "we" BTW, because the egg-chicken design was really the idea of my younger brother Josiah, and he spent literally hours painstakingly putting the eggs at just the right angle and spot to look more realistic. He is truly artistic in many ways! And he is a true farmer-boy and LOVES chickens, so he will be thrilled that we will be getting some of Brookhaven's BEAUTIFUL Barred/Blue Rocks! Congratulations Josiah! And thanks again everyone! Though my hatch didn't turn out well this time, the fun I had with you all (almost
)made up for the disappointment. Now I just have to make sure I don't mess up in hatching these special Barred Rock eggs!!!

Congratulations you two. Tell Josiah that we said congrats! He is talented!
This is my Stubby's feet (or lack there-of).

I had to move him inside, just because the other chickens were picking on him. He's not really happy about the small cage I have him in, but I'm working on a custom built coop just for him with ramps and deep bedding and shelves with lips on them so I can bed those down as well and he can feel like he can get off the ground. I am planning on picking one small EE to live with him so he won't be lonely...

This is a bad pic of him, cuz I was holding him in my lap and trying to take the picture...
2 more to go!

whoa, black betty (bam-A-lam)
whoa, black betty (bam-A-lam)
Black betty had a child (bam-A-lam)


He gently licks them so Im not sure of his motives, he will crawl on his belly but when they touch him he is so unsure. I give him lots of praise for being so gentle and tell him easy which he knows,but I can't help but picture me turning around for a second though and seeing little chick legs hanging from His mouth. It will definitely take a long while before I fully trust him with them, hes great with all animals though and loves cats, sadly for him not all cats love him though lol!
And in the end he KNOWS momma has no problem giving him a good WOMP! If he did anything to the chicks, but I really try to keep every experience for all positive so he won't view them as anything negative. So far things are going nicely :)
Sometimes the way he looks at them I think he is thinking 'killer chickens' lol he was much easier going with the 4 silkies but when I brought out 9rirs he was much more alert and nervous! Lol I think these could take him down hehe
And your moms Boston sounds like the typical terrier and certainly nothing wrong with that!

My Bella is the only dog we can trust around the chooks. And the funny think about that is she is Shepherd x Coyote! Go figure. This is my favorite picture of her. She was only about 2 months old here. She was defending her best friend, Hunter (a newfoundland) LOL

2 more to go!

whoa, black betty (bam-A-lam)
whoa, black betty (bam-A-lam)
Black betty had a child (bam-A-lam)


hahaha!!! Love it! We have a "black Betty", her name is Harriet though. She's going into her "lockdown today"! Hoping your babies do well, and pulling some of that cute love and healthy chicky spirit down South to our girl too! Congrats!
This is my Stubby's feet (or lack there-of).

I had to move him inside, just because the other chickens were picking on him. He's not really happy about the small cage I have him in, but I'm working on a custom built coop just for him with ramps and deep bedding and shelves with lips on them so I can bed those down as well and he can feel like he can get off the ground. I am planning on picking one small EE to live with him so he won't be lonely...

This is a bad pic of him, cuz I was holding him in my lap and trying to take the picture...
Poor guy. That had to be really painful. I'm surprised he hasn't gotten an infection.
2 more to go!

whoa, black betty (bam-A-lam)
whoa, black betty (bam-A-lam)
Black betty had a child (bam-A-lam)

Love these two pictures! She looks like a great momma!
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