The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Expensive but, I used puppy pee pads over the shavings everyday. Also, I got a disposable metal lasagna pan from the grocery store and put the waterer in it. It did help A LOT!!! Good luck, I'll be doing it all again in a month too, lol!

X2 the large tin work wonders for helping keep the brooder a little dryer. Ducklings are very messy.
I just bent one side down slightly so they could get in and out easier and put a tiny bit of shavings in the tin also so the ducklings don't slip to much and it helps absorb some water. But this method was for 4 ducklings, not 30.

Can I put ducklings on hardware cloth? My DH is in the process of fixing me a coop that will be off the ground and have a hardware cloth bottom. I was planning on covering it with Linoleum and then shavings. But if the water can go through it would work like wonders if it wont hurt their feet. It might work with the shavings directly on the hardware clothe then the water would be able to go through as well. Does anyone use pine needles to brood with is it safe? They are water proof and would work in top of the wire. I have the waterer in a flower pot bottom, but I swear they are getting mouth fulls of water and spitting it at each other. They are supposed to be sexed girls, but I think I have Donald Ducks 3 mischievous nephews.
Good morning I would like to join the hatch along! I have lavender ameraucana and F3 Olive Eggers! It's my first hatch along so I hope I can keep up. Hello everyone from PA!
YAY glad you came over!!!! YIPPPPPPPIE!!!

So "keeper of the lists" please add me also.....the peer pressure is getting to me.
I will be setting some of my Orpington projects for the 1st time and I am sure a few odds and ends.
need I say more?

Okay I have got to have help with my baby ducks. I brooded two last year and did not have this problem. I use XL clear plastic totes to brood. This yeas babies are flooding it. I took a 9x13 cake pan and put shavings in it so they would have a dry place to lay. I have 30 duck eggs in the incubator so I need to know what is the best way to brood ducklings. I have 3 weeks to come up with something. I'm about to move the 3 out to the bantam coop with their light. I don't know any thing else to do. Please if you have any methods to share please please do.

in my siggy is our duck brooding tricks see if you find anything of help in it..... here is one image, there are more ideas on the page below.....


And the pallet duck house as we moved them out of garage! asap! lol


THIS !!!!!!!

Sign Me Up!

YAY!!! Do it!!!

Don't forget to get those Goose eggs set!

goose: 28 to 32 days to hatch; set March 18th - March 22nd


I SO WANT to hatch a waterfowl!!! I love incubating them!!
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x2...I love all of that storage. I need storage, my basement has chicken stuff everywhere!

Thanks! I absolutely LOVE it. I will be moving the big chicks to it today until its warmer outside.

This pic shows how tall it is with the extra brooder sitting on its side up on top for added storage(I can still take it down and use it for chicks when needed)
I would like to join! I have a broody hen and plan on giving her some of my call duck eggs next week!
Welcome! Set date for call ducks is March 24th.

call duck: 26 days to hatch; set March 24th


I SO WANT to hatch a waterfowl!!! I love incubating them!!
Ooooooooh, if only I knew a darn thing about geese!
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