The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

Sorry about being offline for so long, but I have been dealing some troublesome predators. I expect issues with coyotes, foxes, eagles, and other such predatory animals targeting my free-ranging flock. However, I never expected my neighbor to prey upon my flock. Over the last few weeks I have noticed some of my hens not returning to the coop at night. Thinking I had a fox on the property I took my dog and tried to flush it out and get rid of it. Well, it turns out that no fox had moved in. In fact, my neighbor had set a live animal trap about two feet inside their property, facing mine, where my chickens were hanging out during the day. I tried to talk to them, but they wouldn't even come to the gate. They saw me and ran inside their house. So, I took pictures of the trap and contacted the authorities, who said I don't have a valid claim without proof that they have my chickens.
Among the missing are my Cream Legbar hens.
Interestingly, not one of my roosters went missing, only the hens.

There is some good news, I had 8 chicks hatch Sunday/Monday. All 8 already have a new home waiting for them. They should be getting picked up this weekend.
Sorry about being offline for so long, but I have been dealing some troublesome predators. I expect issues with coyotes, foxes, eagles, and other such predatory animals targeting my free-ranging flock. However, I never expected my neighbor to prey upon my flock. Over the last few weeks I have noticed some of my hens not returning to the coop at night. Thinking I had a fox on the property I took my dog and tried to flush it out and get rid of it. Well, it turns out that no fox had moved in. In fact, my neighbor had set a live animal trap about two feet inside their property, facing mine, where my chickens were hanging out during the day. I tried to talk to them, but they wouldn't even come to the gate. They saw me and ran inside their house. So, I took pictures of the trap and contacted the authorities, who said I don't have a valid claim without proof that they have my chickens.
Among the missing are my Cream Legbar hens.
Interestingly, not one of my roosters went missing, only the hens.

There is some good news, I had 8 chicks hatch Sunday/Monday. All 8 already have a new home waiting for them. They should be getting picked up this weekend.

So sorry for the neighbors

Not sure what to tell you because retaliation on your part may inflame them more.

I KNOW what i'd do

Do you gots bail money?

I came up with an idea for my Quail eggs. I was tired of buying egg turners ($39.99) and then have to buy the Quail rails (additional $14.99) not including shipping if needed! So I am making my own! Lets just say my way does 150 in the same area as just the Quail rails! Figure in the frame for the store bought and I could add another 25 making a total of 175ct egg turner for about 1/4 of the price!!!

Items used for build:
1 length (10') of 3/4" PVC schedule 40 ($2.25) Not all was used
1 Replacement egg turner motor ($9.99 HERE) I am sure you can find it cheaper on ebay
Some type of glue

You take a dash of these

and a pinch of this

and you get this (150ct capacity)

It can be made larger if needed! }:)
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Sorry about being offline for so long, but I have been dealing some troublesome predators. I expect issues with coyotes, foxes, eagles, and other such predatory animals targeting my free-ranging flock. However, I never expected my neighbor to prey upon my flock. Over the last few weeks I have noticed some of my hens not returning to the coop at night. Thinking I had a fox on the property I took my dog and tried to flush it out and get rid of it. Well, it turns out that no fox had moved in. In fact, my neighbor had set a live animal trap about two feet inside their property, facing mine, where my chickens were hanging out during the day. I tried to talk to them, but they wouldn't even come to the gate. They saw me and ran inside their house. So, I took pictures of the trap and contacted the authorities, who said I don't have a valid claim without proof that they have my chickens.
Among the missing are my Cream Legbar hens.
Interestingly, not one of my roosters went missing, only the hens.

There is some good news, I had 8 chicks hatch Sunday/Monday. All 8 already have a new home waiting for them. They should be getting picked up this weekend.

That would be a shame if they "caught" a chicken with a disease. Maybe they are catching and selling them ? Watch craigslist and local sale media. If they are keeping them i would have to slip over and let them out sometime when they're not at home. Best of luck
I've got 15 silver coturnix coming from Arcadia! They should hatch on the 5th of March. I have two Olive Egger eggs that I will start to hatch along of with them. Now if my Bantam Wyandotttes will lay.

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