The 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!

Wow! I didn't know they could take care of that many at once.
I have a big brooder set up & since she was a willing volunteer (& a bantam), it was just easier to stick her in the brooder. The chicks have supplemental heating via a fake "heating pad mama hen," so I'm not worried. Most of the chicks will be sold & once the number is down to about 6, I'll let her out to free range with her babies.
Those are plums in the egg carton.
I had to take a double take, lol


I went out to the garage last night & saw this: (The chicks peeked out when they saw the light go on.)
How does Cookie keep track of all of them?
I love broodies, mine are starting to pop too!! I have 3 broodies, one has 1 chick she had 2 but I took one away and gave it to the 2 cochins who are sharing space and right now between them they have 5 plus the extra and so many more to come!!! I have food and water in with them they have such a spread out hatch

Cookie has 21 LF chicks. (At the time of the pic only 20 b/c one was inside the house with me.)
ok I have 13 and I went ahead and put them in lock down cause most of the eggs are bantams and they always come early, so here is a pic of my last 2 shipped eggs, is this how your supposed to do the carton when you have bad air cells? Out of a dozen shipped eggs these are the only 2 that have gotten this far, 4 were infertile and the shipper did not (which I forgot to ask) guarantee fertility. I also just went ahead and put the double yolker in a carton too, I can clearly make out the beak of one in the up position but the other looks a little farther down
so double yolker suggestions?
How often should I check the double? leave it alone candle it again? HELP lol

I remembered and marked the air cells

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