The 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!

they where set the 23rd (most of them) I set them knowing that because of different conditions during incubation and age of eggs they where most likely going to be hatching a day or two late. there probably will be a couple of chicks that will hatch too early. I do have about 3 eggs due on friday so there is a possibility they will be hatching for the hatch along

Oh, OK. The way I see it, as long as you set your eggs one of the above dates, you are fine no matter when they hatch and they'll count towards the total of poultry hatched.
Well I thought that I would have a duckling with my chicks hatching on Easter Sunday and to my surprise it pipped today. :) So I was forced to lock down my 32 chicken eggs a day early. I'm excited to see what this duckling will look like.
I have a couple of eggs pipping already and I hear cheeping! Not due to hatch until Thursday really. Exciting times
I'm going to be gone all weekend, so I'm kind of hoping one or two will hatch tomorrow.
ok I have 13 and I went ahead and put them in lock down cause most of the eggs are bantams and they always come early, so here is a pic of my last 2 shipped eggs, is this how your supposed to do the carton when you have bad air cells? Out of a dozen shipped eggs these are the only 2 that have gotten this far, 4 were infertile and the shipper did not (which I forgot to ask) guarantee fertility. I also just went ahead and put the double yolker in a carton too, I can clearly make out the beak of one in the up position but the other looks a little farther down :fl so double yolker suggestions? How often should I check the double? leave it alone candle it again? HELP lol I remembered and marked the air cells
I would maybe cut the egg cartons down so the sides are not as tall. It makes them shallow but still enough to support the egg in an upright position. I'm afraid I've never incubated double yolks so I'm not sure what to advise on checking them plus I'm a hatcher who leaves the incubator closed until hatch is complete. Good luck with your eggs :fl
And the winners of the Silhouette Contest are..............​
1st Place:​
2nd Place:​
Congratulations! Great pics :woot
Have 36 eggs in bator, for easter hatch, still don't know how to post to all of you
Hi :frow You just posted to us all by replying to this thread. Have a great hatch :)
I have two little Nn's. :) Went ahead and assisted the one that had been pipped for a while..the membrane started drying out pretty quick after a while, and baby wasn't peeping as much. Glad I did. It's a happy baby now. :) It was laying all along the side of the egg..belly up..everything, from head to toes! Those little feet were just sticking straight up. Glad the legs look good. No taping needed.
:ya Great to hear the baby is doing well, good job Cynthia.
Most of mine went into lockdown last night, I do have one internal pip, which obviously is not going to count for the hatch along. Most of them probably will though!
My eggs are locked down (due on Friday) I had 4 quitters but there are still 9 turkey eggs and 19 chicken eggs in the hatcher :)
I just had a shock checking the bator, ZIPS! nope, just the pencil marks I put on them yesterday on a few to reference air cell size :lol: My heart stopped, dang I wasn't ready for that. Almost less stressful waiting for human babies Lol! :gig
Well I thought that I would have a duckling with my chicks hatching on Easter Sunday and to my surprise it pipped today. :) So I was forced to lock down my 32 chicken eggs a day early. I'm excited to see what this duckling will look like.
:pop Can't wait to see the pics, ducklings are so cute :love
:caf :pop Getting close to that time for pictures and hatching news galore. I can't wait!
Neither can I! Nothing like chick pics!
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Put mine in to lock down last night, took out 6 that were no good, have 2 that are probably no good but left in and two with saddle air sacs, rest look good. 19 out of 26 in lock down.
Good luck everyone.
I am new to all Of this and I have a question. I assume that I know what you guys are talking about when you say a saddle air sacs and I am picking up that it is not good to have but can some tell me why. I am pretty sure that I have one but I can't remember if it is on an egg that I think is doing good or not. I have 16 eggs on lock down but 6 of them I don't expect to hatch. My 10 year old son wanted me to leave them just in case.He doesn't want to give up hope yet. He is as excited as I am.
Having humidity problems after lock down. One incubator is fine at about 65% but don't seem to be able to get the other above 50% it's a brinsea octagon 20 eco have filled both water troughs and put wet paper towel under tray, have put dry paper towel in tray for little feet but could this be stopping the humidity?

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